J.C. Whitlam Manufacturing
About Us
In 1900, J.C. Whitlam Manufacturing introduced a joint compound that changed the way plumbing was done. We have continued the proud tradition by using top notch engineering and innovative methods to provide safe, effective and modern options for sealants, solvents, equipment and more. With hundreds of products and supplies, we serve a variety of fields, delivering dependable products that are based on industry experience and chemical engineering expertise. From scheduled lab tests during manufacturing to careful monitoring, we maintain a high level of quality control, so you get the results you need every time. We also offer custom solutions and labeling to fitt your specific needs. J.C. Whitlam Manufacturing and its divisions, Whitlam Chemical and Plumb-Pro, provide you with hundreds of sealing compounds, lubricants, solvent weld cements, quality hand tools and other products. Many of our products are manufactured at our headquarters in northeastern Ohio.