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Sakai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

About Us

Powder processing technology that adds advanced functions to inorganic compounds; organic synthesis technology which we have acquired in the course of expanding our business from inorganic to organic substances; and pharmaceutical manufacturing technology that responds to a variety of needs in the medical and health sectors. Sakai Chemical Group celebrated the 100th anniversary in 2018. Throughout our long history, we have developed a range of businesses through deepening and expanding these core technologies while overcoming numerous difficult challenges, and have remained an integral part of Japan’s cutting-edge manufacturing. The speed of changes seen in the environment surrounding our society and economy has been accelerating even further in recent years, and their impact on corporate activities is becoming greater than ever before. However, I believe that one thing remains unchanged: opportunities are created by consistently staying ahead of these changes and continuing to work hard. Over the past few years, we have been making group-wide efforts to improve the revenue of our existing businesses, expand into new business areas, and strengthen overseas operations. These activities are beginning to bear fruit in a steady fashion. With commitment and passion to meet all your expectations, we will continue to bring together the wisdom, skills and energy of all our board directors and employees, and help evolve the genes of the people of Sakai and technologies that have been preserved in history so that we may continue to regenerate ourselves toward the next 100 years and the new era that awaits us beyond it.

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