Featured Products
MEYKON Apple Juice Concentrate
Turkish origin low acid apple juice concentrate
Applications: Dairy, Confectionery, Infant & Baby Food, Juice & Juice Drinks, Beverage, Food
Product Families: Flavor Ingredients, Fruit Products & Extracts, Taste & Flavor, Whole Foods, Extracts & Premixes
Flavor Family: Fruit Flavors
Ingredient Name: Apple Juice Concentrate
End Uses: Dairy Products, Confectionery Products, Baby Meals, Juices
Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, GMO-free, Allergen-free, Natural, Impurities-free, Kosher, Halal
MEYKON Pomegranate Juice Concentrate
Turkish origin mid acidity pomegranate juice concentrate
Applications: Convenience Foods, Carbonated Drinks, Dairy, Desserts & Fruit Preparations, Confectionery, Infant & Baby Food, Juice & Juice Drinks, Beverage, Food
Product Families: Flavor Ingredients, Fruit Products & Extracts, Taste & Flavor, Whole Foods, Extracts & Premixes
Flavor Family: Fruit Flavors
Ingredient Name: Pomegranate Juice Concentrate
End Uses: Syrups, Convenience Foods, Carbonated Drinks, Ice Cream, Fruit Juice, Dairy Products, Jams, Confectionery Products, Baby Meals, Juices
Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, GMO-free, Allergen-free, Natural, Impurities-free, Kosher, Halal
MEYKON Fruit Juices and Concentrates Black Carrot Juice Concentrate
Turkish origin high color EV4 - EV12
Applications: Confectionery, Food
Product Families: Natural Colorants, Color Additives & Decoratives, Flavor Ingredients, Vegetable Products & Extracts, Taste & Flavor, Functional Additives, Whole Foods, Extracts & Premixes, Food Colorants
Flavor Family: Vegetable Flavors
Ingredient Name: Black Carrot Juice Concentrate
End Uses: Confectionery Products
Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, GMO-free, Allergen-free, Natural, Impurities-free, Kosher, Halal
MEYKON Fruit Juices and Concentrates Peach Puree Concentrate
Turkish origin peach puree concentrate
Applications: Dairy, Confectionery, Infant & Baby Food, Juice & Juice Drinks, Beverage, Food
Product Families: Flavor Ingredients, Fruit Products & Extracts, Taste & Flavor, Whole Foods, Extracts & Premixes
Flavor Family: Fruit Flavors
Ingredient Name: Peach Puree Concentrate
End Uses: Dairy Products, Confectionery Products, Baby Meals, Juices
Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, GMO-free, Allergen-free, Natural, Impurities-free, Kosher, Halal
MEYKON Fruit Juices and Concentrates Sour Cherry Juice Concentrate
Turkish origin sour cherry juice concentrate
Applications: Dairy, Confectionery, Infant & Baby Food, Juice & Juice Drinks, Beverage, Food
Product Families: Flavor Ingredients, Fruit Products & Extracts, Taste & Flavor, Whole Foods, Extracts & Premixes
Flavor Family: Fruit Flavors
Ingredient Name: Sour Cherry Juice Concentrate
End Uses: Dairy Products, Confectionery Products, Baby Meals, Juices
Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, GMO-free, Allergen-free, Natural, Impurities-free, Kosher, Halal
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