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WTI, Inc. Brand

Supplier:WTI, Inc.
NatureIn® is WTI’s liquid vinegar product line that is clean label and naturally-derived from vinegar or lemon juice concentrate and vinegar. Our NatureIn® products are superior in performance, quality and consistency and will help you make safer, fresher, tastier and cleaner label products.Considering vinegar antimicrobials? NOT ALL VINEGARS ARE EQUAL…Here’s what you need to know.Innovation. Did you know? WTI innovated and developed the naturally-derived vinegar antimicrobials category in 2005. As the inventors of functional vinegars, we understand the functionality of vinegar antimicrobials.Quality. We use the highest quality raw materials to produce the highest quality products. We use baking soda to buffer our vinegar products, a key differentiation from other vinegars in the market.Consistency. Significant variability in specifications affects performance. WTI vinegars have the tightest specification ranges in the industry, which imparts consistent performance, every single time! NatureIn® allows for easy liquid to liquid dispersion into brines or marinades for inject, tumble or spray applications. It can be used in meat and poultry, prepared foods, seafood, bakery, dairy, plant-based food, and more to:Improve shelf-life and reduce food wasteControl yeast and mold growthInhibit the outgrowth of pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium spp.Enhance food product quality, including preserving appearance and accentuating the natural flavors of your food.Versions AvailableOrganicIdentity preserved (IP)Non-GMO (Certified to Non-GMO Global Standard V 7.0)Reduced sodiumPotassium basedLow pH
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Versions Available
  • Organic
  • Identity preserved (IP)
  • Non-GMO (Certified to Non-GMO Global Standard V 7.0)
  • Reduced sodium
  • Potassium based
  • Low pH