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Duramac® 204-1434

Duramac® 204-1434 is a medium oil alkyd resin that develops sharp gloss, has excellent brushing properties, and has excellent compatibility with aliphatic solvents for aerosol applications. In addition, this resin has sufficient hydroxyl functionality for baking applications where additional adhesion properties are desired. Manufactured in North America. All components of this product are listed on the DSL.

Brand: Duramac (55 products)

Chemical Family: Alkyds (Medium Oil)

End Uses: Solventborne Coating

Features: Good Compatibility, High Gloss

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
CASE Ingredients Functions
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
CASE Ingredients Features
Product Highlights
  • High gloss
  • Hydroxyl functionality for baking applications where additional adhesion
  • properties are desired
  • Fast air drying
  • Excellent flow and leveling
  • Excellent compatibility with aliphatic solvents for aerosol applications
  • Excellent pigment wetting

Applications & Uses


Oil Type
Mineral spirits, xylene
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Acid Number (Solids)max. 6mg KOH/g-
Equivalent Weight (Solids)560.0g-
Flash Point80.0°F-
Nonvolatile Volume60.0%-
Nonvolatile Weight65.0%-
OH Number (Solids)100.0mg KOH/ g-
Specific Gravity1.01--
Colormax. 6--

Regulatory & Compliance

Chemical Inventories