About Us
"Open Joint Stock Company “Mogilevkhimvolokno” is the only large manufacturer of dimethyl terephthalate, PET chips, polyester fiber, yarn and synthetic film in the Republic of Belarus and the main supplier of raw materials for light industry.
OAO “Mogilevkhimvolokno” belongs to city-forming enterprises of Mogilev. The company has the infrastructure ensuring the operation of a large full-scale manufacturing facility as well as the skilled personnel and personnel training systems.
A distinctive feature of the company is combining of the technologically related plants into the integrated production chain - from raw materials (dimethyl terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate) to end products (fiber, yarn, nonwoven materials of various types and application) manufacturing.
The manufactured products comply with the world quality standards and are in great demand: over 65% of the manufactured products are exported. The products are exported to more than 30 countries of the world."