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K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray is an NBR/PVC-based closed cell, flexible elastomeric foam thermal and acoustic insulation. It is environmentally friendly as it is free of CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, PBDEs, formaldehyde and fibers. An EPA registered antimicrobial agent is incorporated into the product providing additional protection against mold, fungal and bacterial growth.

Brand: K-FLEX USA K-FLEX (16 products)

Foam Type: Closed Cell Foam

Density: 48.0 - 96.0 kg/m³

Chemical Family: Natural Rubbers, Polyisoprenes

Physical Form: Foam

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Resistance to Moisture Vapor Flow

The expanded closed cell structure and unique formulation inherently resists moisture vapor intrusion. For most applications, K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray needs no additional protection.

Applications & Uses


K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray is suitable for applications with service temperatures ranging from -297°F (-182°C) to +220°F (+104°C). When using factory-applied PSA, the low temperature limit is -40°F (-40°C). When the product is installed fully adhered to the insulated surface (via contact adhesive or PSA), the high temperature limit is +200°F (+93°C). For applications below -40°F (-40°C), contact K-FLEX® technical support. The product is used to reduce sound transmission and/ or retard heat gain/loss and prevent condensation when used as an internal liner on square, rectangular, round or oval ductwork or equipment.


K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray is flexible (even at low temperatures), durable (non-fracturing and skin is resistant to tearing from handling and environment), safe to handle (non-dusting and non-abrasive), and lightweight for an efficient installation. The product can be cut manually or on automated equipment. K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray with PSA is designed to speed up installation time and reduce the use of contact adhesives, allowing for improved working conditions and compliance with OSHA requirements. The adhesive’s scrim reinforcement reduces the tendency to stretch the insulation during installation and improves the peel strength of the material.

K-FLEX® recommends that insulation is installed on non-operational systems with clean, dry surfaces in ambient conditions between 40°F and 100°F. For square or rectangular ducts, properly sized insulation sheets should have 100% coverage of an approved contact adhesive applied to both surfaces. Compression joints should be used on all butt edges. Mechanical fasteners should be used in accordance with SMACNA guidelines. K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray can also be installed in double wall and single-wall round or oval ducts. Note that double-wall construction is not mandatory when using the product in round duct work. When air stream velocities exceed 4,000 FPM (20.3m/second), metal nosing is recommended to be applied to every leading edge. Nosing may be formed, channeled or zeeattached on duct by screws, rivets or welds. The K-FLEX® Installation Manual should be used as a comprehensive installation guide.


Physical Form
No Objectionable Odor
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Air Erosion (tested to 10,000 FPM)4000.0FPMASTM C1071
Corrosion Risk (pH)pH Neutral-DIN 1988
Corrosion Risk (pH)6.6±0.04-DIN 1988
Density3 - 6lb/ft3ASTM D1667
Dimensional Stability (Linear Shrinkage)max. 7%ASTM C534
Flame Spreadmax. 25-ASTM E84
Flammability5.0-ASTM E84 UL 94
Flexibility (-40°C)Excellent-ASTM C534 ASTM D1056
Fungi ResistancePass--
Grease ResistanceGood--
Hot Surface Performance (220°F)No Cracking-ASTM C411
Leachable Chlorides (Water Soluble Chloride Ions)max. 0.05%DIN 1988
Operating Temperature Range-297 - 220°FASTM C534
Ozone ResistancePass-ASTM D1171
Sound Transmission Class (Insulation Only)12.0-ASTM E90
Thermal Conductivity (24°C)0.23W/mKASTM C177
Thermal Conductivity (32°C)0.27W/mKASTM C177
UV Resistance (Artificial Aging)No Deterioration-ASTM G153, ASTM G154 tested to 5,000 hours
Water Absorptionmax. 20%ASTM C209
Water Vapor Permeability (Dry Cup)max. 0.06perm. inASTM E96
Weather ResistancePass-QUV Chamber Test

Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance
Specification Compliance
  • ASTM C534 Type 2, Grade 1.
  • ASTM C1534 Type 1.
  • New York City MEA 186-86-M Vol. V.
  • USDA Compliant.
  • CFIA Compliant.
  • RoHS Compliant.
  • ASTM E84 25/50-rated (to 2”) - tested to UL 723, NFPA 255 and CAN/ULC S102-03.
  • NFPA No. 101 Class A Rating.
  • NFPA 90A, 90B.
  • Code Compliant R-values: R-4.2 (1”), R-8 (2”).
  • UL 94: V-0, 5VA.
  • UL GREENGUARD® Gold Certified.
  • UL Validated - Mold Resistant.

Technical Details & Test Data


K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray provides excellent sound control performance. The product’s closed cell structure mechanically responds to sound energy by converting it into cell movement and heat, as well as providing a physical barrier to control breakout noise. Refer to page 2 for sound absorption, sound insertion loss and sound transmission data.

Flame and Smoke Rating

K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray in thicknesses of 2” (50 mm) and below has a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke development rating of 50 or less as tested to ASTM E84, “Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials”. It is acceptable for duct/plenum applications, meeting the requirements of NFPA 90A/B. Numerical flammability ratings alone may not define the performance of products under actual fire conditions. They are provided only for use in the selection of products to meet limits specified when compared to a known standard.


Thickness Recommendations - To Prevent Condensation 

SERVICE TEMPERATURE 50°F (10°C) 35°F (2°C) 0°F (-18°C) -20°F (-29°C)    
Size Mild Normal Severe Mild Normal Severe Mild Normal Severe Mild Normal Severe
Flat Surface 1/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1/4” 3/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 1” 2” 3/4” 1-1/2” 2-1/2”

Sound Absorption Coefficients at Frequency (Hz) (ASTM C423)

Thickness 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 NRC
1/2” (12mm) 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.33 0.23 0.15
1” (25mm) 0.06 0.17 1.06 0.32 0.67 0.54 0.55
2” (50mm) 0.23 0.84 0.32 0.6 0.39 0.31 0.55

Sound Insertion Loss (dB) At Frequency (Hz) (ASTM E477)

Thickness 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 NRC
1” (25mm) 1 3 20 7 12 12 12

“R” Values (All Sizes Are Nominal)

3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 2”
1.5 2 3 4.2 6 8

Packaging & Availability


K-FLEX® Duct® Liner Gray is gray in color and is available in flat sheet (3’ x 4’) or roll (up to 60” wide) form in thicknesses of 1/2” up to 2”. The product is supplied either as skin-two-sides or with a factoryapplied scrim-reinforced acrylic adhesive on one side for “peel and stick” application.