Izel Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
About Us
"Izel Kimya A.Ş. is a company established in 1996 to meet demands of paint and varnish manufacturers by producing alkyd resin, which is a type of synthetic resin that is an important raw material used in paint industry. First, the factory was constructed in Pendik/Istanbul location with the capacity of 2000 tons/year. The demand of the market naturally created supply and at first our company reached the capacity of 1250 tons/ year varnish production (cellulose with polyurethane filling and garish). After that in 1998 the polyester resins’ capacity reached 1620 tons/year. The capacity and customer portfolio increased continuously by new researches and developments.
After Ar-Ge works and trial production, firstly in 1998 alkyd resin production was taken into an action with the capacity of 1750 tons/year, in a short time increased to 4320 tons/year.
By 2009, the facility adjusted itself to changing circumstances and board of management decided for new factory invesment. Up to that year, the company was located in Kurtkoy. In 2011 our factory moved to its own plant in Dilovasi/Kocaeli in a chemical organized zone.
The production capacity of Izel Kimya is 75.000 tons/year, that have in total 10.000 m² area and 8500 m² closed area. Leading firms in Turkey and Europe prefer Izel Kimya’s products because of the high performance, fast delivery, close customer relationships, technical service and tailor-made solution for each customers’ needs. "