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Barrday U611 4-ply Aramid UD

Barrday U611 4-ply Aramid UD is an advanced para-aramid unidirectional material for softarmor ballistic applications. U611 consists of four plies of unidirectional product, cross-plied in 0°/90°/0°/90°Configuration. Our proprietary UD technology aligns the fibers in each layer in a parallel direction. Each layer is individually constructed within a resin matrix. Thermoplastic film is laminated to the top and bottom surfaces for abrasion resistance.

Reinforcement Material: Aramid (Kevlar)

Reinforcement Form: Unidirectional Fabric

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Reinforcement Form
Reinforcement Material
Composite Materials Functions
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Product Information
  • U611 has been tested in accordance with NIJ06 tumbling protocol. Additional accelerated agingtests were conducted on U611 using NIJ06 recommended conditions for the duration of six months. This information does not relieve the user from the responsibility of testing the final ballistic construction.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form

Technical Details & Test Data

Correct Layup

Barrday U611 4-ply Aramid UD Correct Layup

Incorrect Layup

Barrday U611 4-ply Aramid UD Incorrect Layup