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SILFOAM® SE 33 is a medium viscosity silicone defoamer emulsion with a 20% active ingredient content. It is specifically formulated to control foam in aqueous systems. SILFOAM® SE 33 is suitable for use in alkaline and high-temperature applications. This product offers excellent foam knockdown properties and provides longer-lasting prevention of foam reoccurrence compared to many conventional defoamers.

Brand: SILFOAM (38 products)

Ingredient Name: Silicone Emulsion

Functions: Anti-Foaming Agent, Defoamer

Chemical Family: Silicones

Labeling Claims: Kosher

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Food Ingredients Features
Industrial Additives Features
Materials Features

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications
Industrial Additives End Use
Application Details
  • SILFOAM® SE 33 is a versatile defoamer that is suitable to be used for many food or industrial applications, especially for food washing and processing, beverage and alcohol distillation processes.
  • SILFOAM® SE 33 is easily dispersible in water. It can be applied straight to an aqueous foaming system or prediluted in water before the application.
  • Prior to use, SILFOAM® SE 33 should be gently stirred with minimum shear to assure uniformity of the emulsion.


Physical Form
Milky-white liquid
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Active Contentapprox. 20%-
Dynamic Viscosity (at 25°C)approx. 1500 cPsWSTM 3342
Ionic CharacterNon-ionic--
pH3.5 - 5.0-WSTM 3392
Use Level50 ppm--
VOCmax. 0.1%-

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability