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Valagro SpA YieldOn 265 Gal.

Valagro SpA YieldOn 265 Gal. is a liquid foliar fertilizer designed specifically to boost row crop productivity. More than half of the composition is made up of extracts from three distinct families of plants and seaweeds that are high in trace elements like Mn, Zn, and Mo.

Functions: Bioenhancer

Features: Enhanced Crop Yield & Quality, Improves Crop Quality

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Agrochemical Functions
Product Families
Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 3.00%
2.0 % Urea Nitrogen
1.0 % Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Soluble Potash (K,0) 3.00%
Manganese (Mn) 0.50%
0.5 % Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum 0.20%
Zinc (Zn) 0.50%
0.5 % Chelated Zinc (Zn)
DERIVED FROM: Urea; corn steep liquor; vinasse; Sodium molybdate; Manganese EDTA; Zinc EDTA; Kelp extract.

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Cleaning of Sprayer

Flush with clean water all parts of the sprayer, including the pump, hoses and nozzles, several times prior to and a er the use of this product.

Conditions of Sale

Seller warrants this product consists of the ingredients specified and is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on this label when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions and use. No one other than an officer of the seller is authorized to make any warranty, guarantee or direction concerning this product. Because time, place, rate of application and other conditions of use are beyond the seller's control, the seller's liability from handling, storage, and use of this product is limited to replacement of the product or a refund of the purchase price. It is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with use of this product. Crop injury, lack of performance, or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as use of the product contrary to label instructions, abnormal conditions, presence of other materials, the manner of application, or other factors, all of which are beyond the control of Valagro USA or the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by buyer.

Foliar Application Rates And Timings
CROP (including but not limited to) RATE SPRAY VOLUME
Small grains 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications; first
application at heading
Soybean 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications; first
application at R1-R3 stage
Corn 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications at 1-2
pints during V10 - R2.
Cotton 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications; first
application at match-head
square stage
Canola 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications; first
application a beginning of
flowering stage
Sunflower 1-2 pints
per acre
Use 1 pint /acre in low volume
applications (10 - 25 gal / acre)
and 2 pints / acre in higher water
1-2 applications first
application at 4-6 leaf
growth stage
Directions For Mixing

YIELDON will disperse in water with little agitation. Any residue in container is water-soluble. Triple rinse and add contents to the spray tank. Do not reuse container.
TANK MIXES: Yield-ON can be tank mixed with pesticides, fertilizers or any other chemicals. It is advised to conduct a compatibility test.


This product contains Molybdenum (Mo). Crops high in molybdenum can be toxic to ruminant animals. Use only according to manufacturer's directions.
YIELDON MUST NOT be applied directly to the soil on field crops in lowa. In Mississippi this is a Low Analysis Fertilizers. Do not sell unpacked.

Safety & Health


Keep Out of Reach of Children. Shake Well Before Using.

Packaging & Availability


DENSITY: 2654 Ibs at 68 °F
NET VOLUME: 265 gallons (1003 !)
NET WEIGHT: 2654 Ibs (1203.8 Kg)