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ROSEBRAND AMYROSE 738RF long grain white rice based. It can be used as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour. Our experts are happy to share gluten-free recipes delivers on texture, taste and with a strong nutritional profiles. With outstanding in elasticity, you can create excellent texture for your noodle profile. We offer our ingredients with outstanding performance with a various kinds of application.

Brand: ROSE BRAND (44 products)

Ingredient Name: Rice Flour

Physical Form: Powder

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, Biodegradable, Clean Label, Gluten-free, Halal, Natural, Non-GMO, Organic, Plant-Based, Sustainable

Certifications & Compliance: EU Compliant, FSSC 22000, Gluten-free, Halal, Organic Certified, USDA Organic

Features: Elastic Texture, Enhanced Crunchiness, Excellent Adhesive Properties, Improved Stability, Improved Texture, Low Retrogradation

Particle Size:: 95.0 microns

Technical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Ingredient Name
Ingredient Origin
Rice Flour
Product Families
Label declaration recommendation
  • Non Allergen
  • Non GMO
  • 100% White Rice
  • Product of Vietnam

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Food Ingredients Features
Benefits & Features
  • Improve the Texture Quality: Enhance the product's texture with crunchiness, crispiness and freshness.
  • Increase the Stability and Elasticity: Improve and control the moisture retention in bakery products, Provide excellent gel forming and high elasticity.
  • Provide Adhesive Properties: Excellent binding and adhesive functions in batter.
  • Gluten free: Replace wheat flour/gluten to make gluten free products
  • Improve texture
  • Improve Crunchiness and Brittleness
  • Gluten-free Bake Good

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications
Recommended Uses & Known Applications

• Controlling with moisture retention
• Soft and shelf stability

•Crispiness or crunchiness texture
 •Adhesive properties of coating

• Crispiness sensation
• Reducing oil absorption

• Thickening and creaminess sauce

• Elastic texture and surface smoothness.


Physical Form
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Moisture Contentmax. 13%AOAC 925.10
pH (10% Solution)5.0 - 7.0-pH Meter 
Ash Contentmax. 0.5%AOAC 923.03
Whitenessmin. 95.0-Spectrophotometer
Particle Size (<180 μm)min. 95.0%Sieve shaker / AOAC 965.22
Viscositymin. 400BUBrabender viscometer
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Total Plate Countmax. 100000cfu/gFAO FNP 14/4
Yeastmax. 300cfu/gFAO FNP 14/4
Moldmax. 300cfu/gFAO FNP 14/4
B. cereusmax. 1000cfu/gISO 7932:2004
E. coliNot detectedcfu/gISO 16649-2:2001
S.aureusNot detectedcfu/gAOAC 975.55
Salmonella spp.Negativeper 25 gISO 6759-1:2017

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

25 kg multiple paper sack

Storage & Handling


Store the product in a cool dry place and well-closed bags. Do not store or ship together with odorous or toxic substance free from insects and rodents .