Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Carrier
- Chemical Family
- INCI Name
- Ingredient Origin
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- CAS No.
- 84696-27-5
- EC No.
- 283-645-2
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Benefit Claims
- Labeling Claims
- Product Background
UV, seasonal and temperature changes, tobacco, alcohol, wind but also pollution and stress are all factors that dehydrate the skin. Nevertheless, cutaneous hydration is a central biological process because water plays a key role in the protection of the epidermis (barrier function) and gives it its softness, elasticity and suppleness. Moisturizing or rehydrating is thus the first gesture recommended to boost the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.
The concept of active hydration is based on the optimization of the natural moisturizing capabilities of the skin to plump it from within. This strategy aims to increase the physiological water resources within the epidermis and to optimize the circulation / distribution of it through the cells and tissues via the water channels.
Because a dehydrated skin is more sensitive and fragile to aggressions, it is essential to also promote its natural capacities of regulation regarding the continuous phenomena of micro-inflammation which disturb the good cellular and tissue function. Boosting natural moisturizing and soothing strengths is the key to a relaxing beauty
Nympheline® prov is a vegetable fraction rich in mucilages and polyphenols, obtained by a water/propanediol extraction from a rare and bright flower, the white Water Lily (Nymphaea alba). Coming from Madagascar, the white water lily is the subject of a responsible sourcing.
- Performance Characteristics
Stimulation of the synthesis of epidermal Hyaluronic acid
Contrary to conviction there is not one but two varieties of Hyaluronic acid within the skin. If dermal Hyaluronic acid is the star molecule of antiwrinkle, there is another category of Hyaluronic acid, called epidermal, just as important. Present in a smaller quantity than in the dermis, it plays an essential role in the epidermis as a moisturizer and a signal molecule. As a major constituent of the epidermal matrix, it is synthesized by keratinocytes and represents a real reservoir of hydration thanks to its high hygroscopic properties. Recognized by CD44 receptors, it also activates the renewal of the barrier function, preventing dehydration. Its very short half-life (2 to 4 hours) requires a continual renewal, but age and external aggressions significantly affect its synthesis.
Ex vivo study
on skin explants treated with a topical application at D0, D3 and D5 with 1% NYMPHELINE® PROV vs. Placebo or vs. Untreated control. At D6, quantification of the area occupied by immunolabeled epidermal Hyaluronic acid, by microscopy and image analysis.
Nympheline® prov significantly increases the synthesis of epidermal Hyaluronic acid, allowing to extend the moisturizing resources of the skin and to plump it from within.
Stimulation of the synthesis of Aquaporins 3
Actively moisturizing the skin doesn’t lead only to bring it a large amount of water but also to promote the effective distribution of it between cells and tissues. This circulation is allowed within the epidermis through a natural network of water channels called Aquaporins. Among them, Aquaporins 3 are the most represented. Stimulating the synthesis of this protein allows to improve the dynamic transport of water and ensure optimal hydration of the different layers of the epidermis.
Ex vivo study
On skin explants treated with a topical application at D0, D3 and D5 with 1% NYMPHELINE® PROV vs. Placebo or vs. Untreated control. At D6, quantification of the area occupied by immunolabeled Aquaporins 3, by microscopy and image analysis.
Nympheline® prov significantly increases the synthesis of Aquaporins 3, allowing a better circulation and distribution of water within the epidermis, ensuring dynamic hydration.
In vivo study
On 16 volunteers, single application to the arms at T0 of a cream containing 2% NYMPHELINE® PROV or a Placebo vs. Untreated control. Evaluation of the level of hydration by corneometry before application, then 2h and 4h after application.
Only 2h after application, Nympheline® prov significantly moisturizes the skin vs. Untreated control and vs. Placebo. Thorough this active hydration instantly refreshes the complexion: skin is more plumped, softer and smoother. This is the key step to reveal the radiance and youthfulness of the skin!
Apart from any external aggression, the skin undergoes micro-inflammation phenomena due to its metabolism and in particular to the production of intrinsic free radicals. This permanent micro-inflammation results in the existence in the skin of a basal level of inflammatory molecules such as TNF-α. But the skin has its own ability to regulate these phenomena of micro-inflammation because they tend to weaken the barrier function and thus to increase dehydration but also to disrupt cell function. With age or because of too much aggressions, the skin loses its regulatory capacities. Also, it is essential to boost its soothing natural properties to help preserve its serenity and also its hydration.
Inhibition of TNF-α
Ex vivo study on skin explants treated with a topical application at D0, D3 and D5 with 1% NYMPHELINE® PROV vs. Placebo or vs. Untreated control. At D6, quantification of the area occupied by immunolabeled TNF-α, by microscopy and image analysis.
The basal level of TNF-α is significantly decreased vs. Placebo, revealing the ability of Nympheline® prov to boost the natural soothing properties of the skin, the daily guarantee of a relaxed skin.
- Marketing Claims
- Actively moisturizes skin
- Plumps skin from within
- Stimulates skin's natural hydration capabilities
- Increases the synthesis of epidermal hyaluronic acid, the skin's natural water reserve
- Optimizes the distribution of water in the epidermis by stimulating aquaporins
- Boosts the skin's youthfulness through active hydration
- Helps soothe the skin
- Stimulates the skin's natural regulation capabilities
- An effective moisturizing routine for fresh skin and a smooth, radiant complexion
- Allows the skin to recover or maintain its serenity
- Promotes a feeling of well-being
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Format
- Skin Care Applications
- Use Level
- 1-2%
- Formulation Guidelines
pH stability: 3.0 to 7.0
Soluble at 20% in water, glycerin, 20% alcohol solution, butylene glycol
Thermostability: recommended temperature below 45°C (may be incorporated at a maximum temperature of 70°C but must not be heated for more than 6h)
- Recommended Uses
- Moisturizing care
- Soothing care
- Anti-aging care
- Radiance care
- Physical Form
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Regulatory Status
Authorized for use in EU, USA, China, Japan and subject to conditions in Australia and Canada.
Technical Details & Test Data
- Mechanism of Action
- Nympheline® prov optimizes the skin’s natural moisturizing capacities by stimulating: - the synthesis of epidermal Hyaluronic acid to create a real reservoir of hydration within the epidermis - the synthesis of Aquaporins 3, key proteins of the natural network of water circulation for an optimal distribution of this one between cells and tissues The skin is thus actively moisturized.
- Nympheline® prov boosts the natural soothing properties of the skin by inhibiting TNF-α, a marker of the continuous micro-inflammatory phenomena existing within the skin. The skin is relaxed, it preserves its serenity.