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Smart Salt®

Smart Salt® uses proprietary co-crystallization technology that stabilizes magnesium chloride so that it can be used as a crystalline mineral salt to replace sodium chloride in food products. The co-crystallization technology makes Smart Salt® concentrate handle like salt.

Brand: Smart Salt (1 products)

Ingredient Name: Salt Replacer

Functions: Salt

Features: Consistent Flavor, No Bitterness, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, Reduction in Blood Glucose Level

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Ingredient Name
Food Ingredients Functions
Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Food Ingredients Features
Product Features

Sodium reduction is possible up to 60% with Smart Salt® blends.

The co-crystallized product can be used to replace up to 25% of sodium chloride in most applications without the need for additional potassium chloride, flavors or bitter blockers. For greater sodium reduction Smart Salt® Concentrate works optimally in mixture with potassium and sodium chloride.  In this way up to 60% sodium reduction is possible although the proprietary Smart Salt® Blends, SMS 40 (40% sodium reduction) and SMS 50 (50% sodium reduction) have been shown to meet most sodium targets.

Product Characteristics

The Smart Salt® sodium reduction technology is very flexible which assures cost efficiency in use.

  • White crystalline mineral salt
  • Patents granted for application, processes and products in over 40 countries
  • Food grade and suitable for food products in accordance with FCC, FAO/WHO and EU regulations. GRAS by the US FDA.
  • Labeling example (EU) – Smart Salt 50 in a ready meal – Salt, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride
Smart Salt® health benefits

Smart Salt® formulations include two essential minerals – potassium and magnesium.  While a large proportion of the developed world consumes excess sodium, they are simultaneously not getting enough potassium and magnesium in their diets.  Smart Salt® delivers the essential minerals potassium and magnesium, helping to balance important minerals for heart health.

Smart Salt® meets the enormous consumer demand for lower sodium foods with health benefits that make traditional table salt a thing of the past.

Smart Salt®’s unique, patented formula provides the great taste of ordinary table salt with added health benefits. Not only is it the best tasting salt substitute, but it retains the preservation and texture qualities of traditional table salt. This makes Smart Salt® the best choice for consumers, restaurants and large scale food processors.

Smart Salt® was developed to reduce sodium intake while providing the same great taste of salt.

Everyday millions of people worldwide consume excessive amounts of sodium hidden in processed foods. Surveys indicate that consumers cite salt content as one of the top factors of concern in the foods they eat. Salt reduction is always in the news as experts condemn the poor progress of the food and catering industry to reduce sodium – but help is at hand.

Smart Salt® can eliminate up to 60% of the sodium found in typical table salt. This is a major breakthrough for low-sodium recipes and diets. Smart Salt® is the new healthier salt for the millions of consumers worried about their salt intake.

Smart Salt® health benefits go further than just reducing sodium.

Smart Salt® formulations include two essential minerals – potassium and magnesium.  While a large proportion of the developed world consumes excess sodium, they are simultaneously not getting enough potassium and magnesium in their diets.  Smart Salt® delivers the essential minerals potassium and magnesium, helping to balance important minerals for heart health.

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications

Under normal kitchen, restaurant and factory conditions magnesium chloride is very difficult to handle as it is a deliquescent solid which picks up moisture readily even at low humidity levels.  By co-crystallization, magnesium chloride can be produced as a solid-crystal with improved hygroscopicity and flowability without chemical modification.  The co-crystal is commercially known as Smart Salt® Concentrate (also known in Food Chemical Codex as Magnesal) and is a true crystal, not an agglomerated product or granule, and as such handles like regular crystalline salt.


Physical Form

Regulatory & Compliance

Technical Details & Test Data

Composition of typical SMS-bIends
Sodium reduction







NaCl 50% 60,0% 70,0%
KCI 25% 20,0% 15,0%
Smart Salt
25% 20,0% 15,0%
  100% 100% 100,0%


Smart Salt® looks and functions just like salt.

Smart Salt® has a proven track record in the catering and restaurant trade as an alternative to table salt. It’s ideal for front – and back – of house seasoning.  Proprietary blends of Smart Salt® are available for use in table top, sachets, and catering packs.

Smart Salt® is a flexible sodium reduction technology which means that there is flexibility with its composition resulting in improved cost-efficiency in use. Governmental sodium targets can be met while minimizing cost issues associated with salt reduction.

Smart Salt® technology has undergone extensive industrial application research and commercial-scale manufacturing.  It is particularly successful in the more difficult applications that rely on preservation and textural characteristics of salt such as bread, meat, and cheese – the major contributors to sodium in the diet.

White Bread

Smart Salt® - Smart Salt® Looks And Functions Just Like Salt.

Packaging & Availability


Smart Salt® is available in concentrate and blends.