Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Ingredient Origin
- Animal Feed & Nutrition Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
- Product Features
- 56% crude protein, calcium-suspended liquid supplement.
- Source of rumen-available protein from urea (NPN).
- Provides vitamins A-D-E, calcium, phosphorus, and trace minerals.
- Product Benefits
- Designed especially for growing heifers’ high nutrient needs.
- Supplies NPN protein for rumen fermentation resulting in increased microbial protein production and forage digestion.
- Improved forage utilization allows more extensive use of farm raised feedstuffs.
- Convenient force-fed TMR application allows for precise nutrient and additive distribution and delivery.
- Product Highlight
- Decreases Ration Sorting
- Maximizes Forage Use
- Enhances Rumen Function
- Improves Micro & Macro Nutrient
- Distribution & Intake
- Optimizes Response To Ionophores
- Promotes effi cient conversion of NPN
- protein to microbial protein
- Improves precision & accuracy of micronutrient feeding
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Animal Species
- Physical Form
Technical Details & Test Data
- Technical Data
Maximize Efficiency:
- Replacement heifers costs* include feed, labor, management, fixed costs, genetics, mortality, and animal health.
- Feed makes up a large percentage of replacement cost, making growth performance, feed quality and feed effi ciency keys to optimizing animal quality, replacement cost and animal performance in the herd.
Reduce Feed Wastage:
- The graph below shows heifers sort against long particles in TMR’s.
- In this study, heifers consumed only 80% of TMR particles greater than 1/2 inch in length.
- The TMR included hay, corn silage, haylage and a dry grain mix.
- Sorting causes feed wastage and inconsistent nutrient and additive intake.
- It is a particular challenge in TMR’s where mineral and vitamin premixes are mixed with relatively high levels of forage.
- Good TMR management is critical to making sure the ration balanced is the ration eaten.
- QLF Farm Demo data shows including a liquid supplement at 2% of as-fed intake in high forage diets reduces sorting and enhances uniform intake of the TMR, including long forage particles.
Enhance Forage Utilization:
- On high-forage heifer diets, rumen-degradable protein and carbohydrate enhance forage utilization and VFA production.
- Sugars and degradable protein provided by QLF heifer supplements feed rumen microbes to enhance VFA production and forage utilization.
Improve Growth Rate By Improving Lonophore Performance:
- Enhanced ruminal fermentation with the addition of soluble sugars and protein provides increased potential for ionophore action.
- Liquid supplements reduce diet sorting and enhance intake consistency, helping ensure desired, uniform intake of ionophores resulting in an increase in ionophore response.
Packaging & Availability
- Available Additives
- Bovatec®
- Rumensin®