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Core Max 30

CORE MAX 30 is designed to balance feedlot beef rations when co-products from the corn processing industry are fed to growing-finishing cattle.

Brand: Core Max (5 products)

Ingredient Name: Cane Molasses

Animal Species: Cattle

Features: Excellent Distribution In Feed, Improve Feed Palatability , Improves Feed Efficiency, Improves Feed Intake, Improves Growth Performance, Improves Immunity, Improves Nutrient Utilization

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
Product Features
  • 30 percent crude protein.
  • High calcium liquid supplement; No added supplemental phosphorus.
  • Fortified to provide 100% NRC recommendation for trace minerals and Vitamins A, D, & E when fed at recommended levels.
  • Low inclusion rate, .8 lbs/hd/day.
  • Xanthan Gum suspended liquid supplement.
Product Benefits
  • Balances growing/finishing feedlot rations that utilize corn-processing co-products (corn distillers grain or corn gluten feed).
  • Improves feed utilization, allowing more extensive use of available feedstuffs.
  • Lowers feed to gain ratio through improved intakes and increased gains.
  • Reduces ration sorting for more consistent intake of nutrients & additives.
  • Promotes overall animal health & immunity through vitamin & trace mineral fortification.
  • Economic feeding rate supplies required supplementation while limiting excess phosphorus into the environment.
Product Background

The case for coproducts in beef rations:

They’re good, close and abundant. The table below, from the Iowa Beef Center and Iowa State University, shows the range in nutrient values for selected coproducts. In general, many of the nutrients from corn are concentrated into nutritious, highly palatable livestock feed ingredients. For beef cattle in the Midwest, wet corn gluten feed and wet distillers grain have particularly high values and can serve as an excellent source of protein, energy and several minerals. In fact, research shows the energy values of wet coproducts to be even greater than corn. As much as 20% higher. The protein level of coproducts is also quite high, up to 20–30% on a dry basis. And it’s high-quality protein

knowledge you need to make coproduct feeding work in your beef rations. Quality Liquid Feeds is an industry leader in helping beef producers determine the best way possible to use coproducts from ethanol and corn processing plants. And we’re working with coproduct suppliers and Midwestern universities to help develop a proven approach to coproduct ration balancing. In general, coproducts are high in undegradable intake protein (UIP) and need to be supplemented with specific levels of degradable intake protein (DIP) to promote efficient digestion. We also know that coproducts are low in calcium – an important element in any beef ration. In addition, when coproducts are dried, their energy value is decreased. For these reasons, and more, it pays to work with QLF – the experts in coproduct feeding.

CORE MAX supplements bring out the full potential of coproducts. Our new liquid feed supplements offer varying levels of protein and other nutrients. Use them to balance grow-finish rations using dried or wet distiller grains, with or without solubles. A laboratory analysis of your local coproduct source lays the groundwork for determining which product is right for you. Your local Land O’ Lakes/Farmland Feed Cooperative or Quality Liquid Feeds representative can provide additional management, nutritional and mixing recommendations. The CORE MAX program offers four unique supplements; all providing appropriate levels of calcium, trace minerals and vitamins to balance coproduct grow-finish diets. Your supplement choice will be based on the final protein percentage desired in your rations.

For coproduct ration expertise and superior liquid supplements, count on QLF. Producers have trusted Quality Liquid Feeds for 25 years. And our professional, expert approach is recognized throughout the industry. CORE MAX liquid supplements for coproduct rations are just the beginning. As we learn more about coproduct feeding, we’ll be developing new products and new techniques to help you use these valuable ingredients to their fullest potential.

What we know about coproducts
• Coproduct ration balancing can be tricky business
• Coproduct rations need degradable intake protein (DIP) supplementation
• Coproduct supplements require high levels of calcium
• Wet coproducts have a higher energy value than dried coproducts
• Liquid supplements and coproducts work well together
• Liquid supplements provide uniform and even nutrient distribution


Liquid Supplements Provide A Range Of Benefits To Feedlot Nutritional Management
  • Enhanced Nutrition
  • Improved Palatability
  • Diet Uniformity
  • Enhanced Ration
  • Characteristics
  • Convenience
  • Cost Savings

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Crude Protein30.0%-