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Plantin PLANT HUMIC 6 is a humic acid-based fertilizer combining NPK of mineral origins and a Diatome-Leonardite complex. PLANT HUMIC 6 ensures the nutrition of the plants but also the improvement of the soils.

Functions: Fertilizer, Micronutrient

Chemical Family: Calcium Salts, Humic Acids, Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds, Nitrogen, Phosphorous-based Compounds, Potassium Salts, Silica, Sulfur-based Compounds

Application Technique: Ground Soil Applied

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Agrochemical Functions
Product Families

Nitrogen (N) Total: 12.00%
Of which 9.5% Ammoniacal nitrogen
2.5% Nitric nitrogen
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 12.00%
Of which 11.70% soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water
11.80% water soluble
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 12.00%
Magnesium oxide (MgO): 3.0%
Sulfur trioxide (SO3): 8.6%
Calcium oxide (CaO): 4.5%

Features & Benefits

Agrochemicals Features
Product Highlights

Nutrients with mineral-based NPKs:

  • Azote (N) promotes leaf growth and development;
  • Phosphorus (P) promotes flowering and harmonious development of fruits, flowers and roots;
  • Potash (K) allows better resistance of the plant and is essential to the beauty of the flowers as well as the flavor of the fruits.

Soil improvements thanks to the Diatomée – Leonardite complex:

The chélatant properties of Leonardote improve cational exchanges and release nutrients from soils. Diatome contributes to fungicide action against certain fungi and diseases.
Diatom and Leonardoe, together, provide organic matter and improve argilo-humic complexes, thus promoting the flow of water into the soil.

  • Easy to use and apply.
  • Complete formula to cover all the nutritional needs of plants.
  • Improves soil quality.
  • Rich in sulfur.
  • Contains trace elements.

Applications & Uses


Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Humidity5 - 8%-
Organic Matter6%-
Particle Size2 - 6mm-
pH Value6.2--
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)6%-
Total Humic Acids4.8%-

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

25kg bag (Palette 1.2T)

Big bag of 600kg for France and 1T for export