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Octal SG 02 is a PET resin produced using the latest state-of-the-art 2R direct high I.V. technology. This advanced technology ensures that the properties and quality of PET resin are superior with low crystallinity and low AA generation, making it the preferred choice for a number of applications.

Polymer Name: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Processing Methods: Extrusion, Thermoforming

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Materials Features
Product Highlights

SG02 is specifically designed for APET sheet applications of thickness below 1.2mm. SG02 provides higher heat strength, mechanical properties and dimensional stability in low stretch environment typical in thermoforming. Low crystallinity and heat of fusion, ensures energy saving in sheet extrusion. The spherical pellets of the resin ensures smooth conveying in long pipelines with near zero fines generation. The uniform spherical surface allows for easy flow of air around the PET pellets and helps in consistent drying at lower temperatures, saving valuable energy.

OCTAL PET SG 02 resin is considered safe for food packaging applications based on all compliance to USA FDA regulation CFR 21 section 177.1630, EU regulation 10/2011, EC Directive 94/62/ EC and the CONEG regulations (USA/CANADA) for heavy metal content.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Intrinsic Viscosity0.80 ± 0.02dl/gOCTAL – 001
Moisture Content (when packed)max. 0.1wt%OCTAL – 002
Acetaldehydemax. 1.0ppmOCTAL – 003
Colour CIE LAB (L)min. 82.0-OCTAL – 004
Colour CIE LAB (B)max. 0.5-OCTAL – 004
Melting Point251 ± 2°COCTAL – 005
Fine Particlesmax. 100ppmOCTAL – 006
Weight of 100 pcs chips1.6 ± 0.2gmOCTAL – 007

Regulatory & Compliance

Safety & Health


OCTAL warrants its products compliance to quality specifications and related regulatory requirements specified in detail in its publications. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the suitability of the product for any particular purpose is made. Buyers must make their own determination about safety, health, environment protection and suitability of use for their intended purpose. No warranty is made of the merchantability or fitness of any product and nothing herein waives any of the seller’s conditions of sale.