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MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL

MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL is Nutrient Rich for non-lactating dairy cattle. It is essential for maintenance during pregnancy and preparation for calving. This unique supplement is second to none when compared to other low-moisture blocks. This block is the product of a state-of-the-art patented process that provides a unique 24-hour feeding system. MegaLic Dry Cow 14% SPL is an exceptionally dense block that will give you the most for your money.

Brand: MegaLic (7 products)

Animal Species: Cattle, Cows

Features: Easy To Handle, Improved Reproductive Efficiency, Improves Growth Performance, Mineral Rich, Vitamin Rich

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
Here’s how
  • Economical: A low feeding rate of 10 ounces/head daily means lower feeding costs (on a per head per day basis).
  • High Mineral Fortification: This supplement is Vitamin and Mineral fortified eliminating the need to feed additional free-choice minerals, resulting in a significant supplemental feed cost savings.
  • Weather Resistant: The patented “continuous flow” system creates a low-moisture, exceptionally dense block that maintains its integrity even in hot, humid weather or precipitation.
  • Minimal Labor: MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL is easy to feed. Simply place the block in areas of easy access to cattle.

Applications & Uses

Animal Species
Feeding Directions

Provide free choice as a supplement to non-lactating dairy cattle at the rate of one block for each 10 to 15 head. Place in lot or pasture near areas frequented by livestock, such as watering locations, shade or loafing areas. Cattle normally consume approximately 10 ounces per head daily. Consumption may vary depending on climate, grazing conditions, condition of livestock and/or availability of other feeds. In situations where climate and/or other factors result in consumption of less than 10 ounces per head daily, intake of supplement can be increased by providing additional blocks per pasture or lot. Provide access to fresh water at all times. Limit salt intake to no more than 1 ounce per head daily. Include MegaLic NR-30% in your Replacement Heifer program. MegaLic NR-30% is Nutrient Rich supplement that provides essential nutrients to support growth, reproductive performance and forage utilization.


Guaranteed Analysis
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Crude Proteinmin. 14%-
NPNmin. 7%-
Crude Fatmin. 4%-
Calciummin. 2%-
Calciummax. 2.5%-
Phosphorusmin. 2.5%-
Magnesiummin. 0.5%-
Potassiummin. 1.8%-
Cobaltmin. 6ppm-
Coppermin. 600ppm-
Iodinemin. 30ppm-
Manganesemin. 2400ppm-
Seleniummin. 10.6ppm-
Zincmin. 2400ppm-
Vitamin Amin. 135000IU/lb-
Vitamin Dmin. 27000IU/lb-
Vitamin Emin. 1350IU/lb-

Technical Details & Test Data

Impacts of Heat Stress from Fescue Toxicity

MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL - Impacts of Heat Stress From Fescue Toxicity

  1. LUNGS & BLOOD Respiratory rate increases to reduce body temperature, which decreases the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the blood.
  2. SKIN & SWEAT In response to elevated body temperatures, cattle will increase the production of sweat to cool their body through evaporation, resulting in elevated loss of sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate.
  3. SALIVA & INGESTION Increased loss of saliva, reduced rumen activity, and less ingestion leads to rumen acidosis.
  4. FOOT ISSUES Increased risk of laminitis and lameness. Increased susceptibility of disease.
  5. MILK Decrease in milk production and increased risk of mastitis
  6. LIVER & KIDNEYS High excretion of sodium and bicarbonate in urine, negatively impacting blood pH.
  7. FERTILITY Negative impacts on reproduction and fertility: IVF failure, embryonic death, aborted fetuses, etc.
Forage Intake *

In university research trials, growing cattle supplemented with FesCool® consuming a diet with high endophyte loads outperformed cattle without FesCool®, with or without endophyte loads.

MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL - Forage Intake *

  • Forage intake was increased by 1.8 to 2.4 lbs per day. (P<0.001)
  • ADG and feed efficiencies were improved. (P<0.001)

* Kansas State University Research

Physiological Response

FesCool® improves the animals ability to cool itself through vasodilation of the blood vessels. The improvements in blood flow allow the animal to better regulate core body temperature through improved bloodflow to the extremities.

MegaLic® Dry Cow 14% SPL - Physiological Response

  • Increase in coccygeal vein diameter by 17% compared to unsupplemented. (P<0.0.5)
  • Increase in heat dissipation through extremities evidenced by 4.4°F (P<0.05) improvement in temperature differential.

* Kansas State University Research