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BorrePlex™ OA

BorrePlex™ OA is a mixture of calcium lignosulfonate and lignosulfonic acid and can act as a chelating agent for micronutrients. BorrePlex OA is a modified organic acid derived from lignin, a nature-based and renewable raw material that contains carbon and sugars. This product acidifies irrigation water, improves water penetration, helps free up bound nutrients in alkaline soil, and supplies carbon to soil microorganisms. BorrePlex™ OA is a trademark owned by Borregaard AS.

Brand: BorrePlex (1 products)

Functions: Acidifier, Buffers & pH Stabilizer, Chelating Agent

Chemical Family: Calcium Salts

Labeling Claims: Organic

Application Technique: Chemigation, Sprinklers

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Agrochemical Functions
Product Families
Guaranteed Analysis
  • Calcium (Ca) - 1.0%
  • Sulfur (S) - 1.5%
  • Derived from calcium lignosulfonate and lignosulfonic acid.

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Agrochemicals Features

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Application Technique
General Information
  • BorrePlex OA is a mixture of calcium lignosulfonate and lignosulfonic acid.
  • BorrePlex OA is a chelating agent for micronutrients.
  • BorrePlex OA can also be used to dissolve carbonate scale and chelate calcium in drip irrigation lines.
Guidelines for Use
  • BorrePlex OA is a chelating agent for micronutrients.
  • Use rates generally range from 1 to 2 pounds of BorrePlex OA per pound of chelated metal.
  • Micronutrients formulations prepared from BorrePlex OA should be applied alone. They should be applied foliarly. Application rates should be determined from a soil analysis.
  • When used to dissolve carbonate and chelate calcium in drip irrigation pipes, BorrePlex OA should be applied at a rate of 1-2 pints per 100 gallons of irrigation water.
  • Follow label rates as well as the recommendations of your field person and LignoTech representative.

Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance