Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Product Type
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Characteristics
Very good mesh opening for standard and 4- color process shades, i.e. printability of LIS is very simple and easy. LIS is highly suitable for flat-bed or cylinder printing machines but can also be processed in manual printing or on semi-automatic machines. Printing speed up to 2500 prints / hour.
Ink Adjustment
The ink should be stirred homogeneously before printing and if necessary during production.
Physically fast drying, at 20 °C air temperature to be overprinted within 4-6 min, at 40 °C in a tunnel dryer stackable after 20-30 sec. Drying speed and block resistance are reduced by about 20 % when overprinting. The times mentioned above vary according to the substrate, the ink film thickness, drying conditions and the auxiliaries used.
Fade resistance
Pigments of excellent fade resistance (blue wool scale 7-8) are used for the Libra Speed LIS basic shades. Provided a professional processing and max. addition of 50 % varnish or white to the standard shades, all basic shades are suitable for an outdoor use of up to 3 years referred to the middle European climate. A full-area coating with Print Varnish LIS 911 onto the whole surface will extend the possible outdoor exposure time to 4 years. When using the highly fade-resistant shades of the 7xx series, outdoor resistance can be increased to max. 5 years if placed vertically and referred to the middle European climate, north of the fortyfifth degree of latitude. In countries with higher exposure to sunlight (between the 40th parallel north and 40th parallel south) the outdoor resistance decreases. Due to the required brilliance, the PANTONE® shades are more transparent than the basic shades and do, therefore, not achieve the above mentioned high fade resistance. The pigments used are resistant to solvents and plasticizers.
Stress resistance
After proper and thorough drying, the ink film exhibits an outstanding adhesion as well as rub, scratch, and block resistance and can also be vacuum-formed. LIS exhibits a normal chemical resistance of 20 double rubs with alcohol and other usual cleaners (e. g. window cleaner). For a higher rub resistance to dry abrasion of the color shades, we recommend to overcoat with Print Varnish LIS 910 or LIS 911. For a higher chemical resistance, the color shades can be over-varnished with Print Varnish SR 910 or a suitable UV-curable varnish.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Field of Application
Libra Speed LIS is suited for the following substrates:
• Acrylics (PMMA)
• PVC self-adhesive foils
• Rigid PVC
• Polystyrene (PS)
• Polycarbonate (PC)
• Paper, pasteboard, cardboard
Since all the print substrates mentioned may be different in printability even within an individual type, preliminary trials are essential to determine the suitability for the intended use.
Field of use
Libra Speed LIS is highly suitable for the production of advertising panels and displays, or decals on fast running fully automatic machines. LIS excels thanks to a hard ink film and a high block resistance but must be tested for its suitability on plasticized and highly flexible substrates (e. g. soft PVC) before printing. For the production of double-sided stickers, we do not recommend LIS but more flexible ink systems such as Libra Print LIP or Libra Gloss LIG. For printing onto polystyrene boards, there is one chalk-writable standard LIS shade available. LIS can also be processed with a spray gun, but preliminary trials are necessary for this process. In order to avoid surface irregularities, we recommend to filter the thinned ink (25 µm screen) before processing.- Metallics and Auxiliaries
Metallic Pastes
S 191 Silver 15-25% S 192 Rich Pale Gold 15-25% S 193 Rich Gold 15-25% S 291 High Gloss Silver 10-20% S 292 High Gloss Rich Pale Gold 10-20% S 293 High Gloss Rich Gold 10-20% Metallic Powders
S 181 Aluminum 17% S 182 Rich Pale Gold 25% S 183 Rich Gold 25% S 184 Pale Gold 25% S 186 Copper 33% S 190 Aluminum, rub-resistant 12.50% These metallics are added to LIS 910 in the recommended amount, whereas the addition may be individually adjusted to the respective application. We recommend preparing a mixture which can be processed within a maximum of 8 h since metallic mixtures usually cannot be stored. Due to their chemical structure, the processing time of mixtures with Pale Gold S 184 and Copper S 186 is even reduced to 4 h. Owing to the smaller pigment size of Metallic Pastes it is possible to work with finer fabrics like 140-31 to 150-31. Owing to the bigger pigment size of Metallic Powders we recommend the use of a coarser fabric like 100-40. Shades made of Metallic Powders are always subject to an increased dry abrasion which can only be reduced by overvarnishing. All metallic shades are displayed in the Marabu "Screen Printing Metallics" color chart.
AuxiliariesPSV Thinner 15-20% UKV 1 Thinner 15-20% UKV 2 Thinner, mild 15-20% VP Retarder Paste 5-20% SA 1 Surface Additive 3-5% WM 1 Plasticizer 2-5% ABM Matting Base 1-20% MP Matting Powder 1-4% ES Printing Modifier 0.5-1% UR 3 Cleaner (flp. 42°C) UR 4 Cleaner (flp. 52°C) UR 5 Cleaner (flp. 72°C) SV 1 Retarder, mild SV 10 Retarder SV 12 Retarder, slow 7037 Spray Thinner Thinner is added to the ink to adjust the printing viscosity. For slow printing sequences and fine motifs, it may be necessary to add retarder to the thinner. The addition of Surface Additive SA 1 can increase the resistance against abrasion and other mechanical stress (max. addition 10 %). Plasticizer WM 1 is recommended if high flexibility is required from the printed ink film. This is important for thin substrates with a natural tendency to roll, as well as for applications involving cutting or die-cutting of the printed surface. The use of Plasticizer WM 1 reduces the drying speed. The degree of gloss can be reduced by adding Matting Paste ABM or Matting Powder MP, decreasing the opacity as well as the vacuumformability at the same time (white shades max. 2 % MP). Printing Modifier ES contains silicone and can be used to rectify flow problems on critical substrates. If an excessive amount is added, flow problems are increased and adhesion may be reduced, especially when overprinting. The use of ES may reduce the degree of gloss. The cleaners UR 3 and UR 4 are recommended for manual cleaning of the working equipment. Cleaner UR 5 is recommended for manual or automatic cleaning of the working equipment. For spray coating, Spray Thinner 7037 should be used, or for polystyrene PSV (addition approx. 30-40 %) after preliminary trials.
Printing Parameters
All types of commercially available fabrics and solvent-resistant stencils can be used.
Packaging & Availability
- Range
Basic Shades 20 Lemon 21 Medium Yellow 22 Yellow Orange 26 Light Yellow 31 Scarlet Red 32 Carmine Red 33 Magenta 35 Bright Red 36 Vermilion 37 Purple Red 45 Dark Brown 55 Ultramarine Blue56 Turquoise Blue 57 Brilliant Blue 58 Deep Blue 59 Royal Blue 64 Yellow Green 67 Grass Green 68 Brilliant Green 70 White 73 Black 4-Color Process Shades Special 409 Transparent Base428 Process Yellow 438 Process Magenta458 Process Cyan 488 Process Black Pantone® Shades 829 PANTONE Yellow832 PANTONE Rubine Red836 PANTONE Warm Red839 PANTONE Rhodamine Red850 PANTONE Purple851 PANTONE Violet852 PANTONE Reflex Blue859 PANTONE Process Blue868 PANTONE GreenHighly Fade-Resistant Shades 720 High Fade Resistant Lemon721 High Fade Resistant Medium Yellow726 High Fade Resistant Light Yellow735 High Fade Resistant Bright RedPress-Ready Metallics 191 Silver 193 Rich Gold Further Products 409 Transparent Base773 Board Ink Black 910 Overprint Varnish911 Overprint Varnish, with UV-Absorber971 White The LIS 4-clr process shades have increased density values and are therefore especially suited for printing onto backlit objects. By using the 9 SR Pantone® basic shades together with LIS 070, LIS 073, and Print Varnish LIS 910, more than 1000 color shades of the Pantone® Color Formula Guide can be mixed. Highly fade-resistant shades fulfill high demands for long-term outdoor resistance. If printed onto the top side of the material, we recommend a full-area over-varnishing with the UV-Absorber Print Varnish LIS 911. Owing to their comparatively good light fastness, the basic shades 033/036/055/056/ 058/059/067/068/070/073 should be used for combinations with the highly lightfast color shades 720 - 735. If printed onto the reverse side of the substrate, the brightened white shade LIS 971 with an optimized degree of white is available for vertical or backlit illumination. Furthermore, there is one shade available for printing onto polystyrene for chalk-writeable boards (fabric recommended 77-55 to 100-40). All shades are intermixable. Mixing with other ink types or auxiliaries must be avoided in order to maintain the special characteristics of this ink. All basic shades are included in our MarabuColorFormulator (MCF). They build the basis for the calculation of individual color matching formulas, as well as for shades of the common color reference systems HKS®, PANTONE®, and RAL®. All formulas are stored in the Marabu-Color Manager software.
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
Shelf life depends very much on the formula/ reactivity of the ink system as well as the storage temperature.
The shelf life for an unopened ink container if stored in a dark room at a temperature of 15 - 25 °C is:
• 3 years for LIS 191, 193
• 3.5 years for all other LIS standard products
Under different conditions, particularly higher storage temperatures, the shelf life is reduced. In such cases, the warranty given by Marabu expires.