Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Agrochemical Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Agrochemicals Features
- Features & Benefits
Calcifert Mag product details
Our Calcifert Mag is:
- a granulated dolomitic limestone
- manufactured in the UK
- containing more than 19% magnesium as MgO
- granulated using dolomitic limestone flour and a water-soluble binder
Calcifert Mag benefits
The agricultural industry knows that our LKAB Minerals Calcifert Mag gives the following benefits:
- Can be self-spread using standard farm fertilizer spreading equipment.
- High reactivity means lower application rates than standard magnesium lime, making Calcifert Mag a cost-effective option.
- Granules of a regular shape and size ensure even spread and rapid uptake.
- Suitable for all crops including grassland and forage crops, cereals and oilseeds, fruit, veg, vines and hops.
- Independent tests have shown that Calcifert Mag can be accurately spread at up to 36 meters.
Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency is most likely to occur on light sandy soils and shallow chalk soils with low organic matter. Soils with low pH are also prone to magnesium deficiency. High levels of potassium in the land, caused by potash-rich soils or overuse of potash fertilizer, reduce the ability of plants to take up magnesium.
Application rate Calcifert Mag
The application rate will depend on the amount of Magnesium required by the soil. To make sure you use the correct application rate for Calcifert Mag we suggest you to seek FACTS qualified advise.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Technique
- Uses
Uses for magnesium lime
Our fertilizer Magnesium Lime is ideal for soils that have a pH imbalance and are also lacking in magnesium.
Magnesium is:
- an essential ingredient of chlorophyll, the green plant pigment that gives leaves their color and enables photosynthesis
- crucial to phosphate and nitrogen metabolism
- a key component for healthy plant growth and protein synthesis
Along with potassium, magnesium helps regulate a plant’s uptake of water, and adequate magnesium levels are vital to establishing good crops. Magnesium lime also balances soil pH giving:
- Improved crop performance
- Better crop quality and yield
- Better fertilizer efficiency
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Packaging
LKAB Minerals supplies the Calcifert Mag in 600 kg big bags.