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ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine

ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is a sulfate based magnesium and sulfur fertilizer with 26% MgO and 53% SO3. It contains the nutrients magnesium and sulfur in an immediately plant available (water-soluble) form. It is an efficient Mg- and S-source for all crops in all types of soil regardless of soil pH. It is available as a fine crystalline product suitable for the production of compound fertilizers as well as for straight manual application. It is approved according to regulation (EC) 834/2007 and 889/2008 for use in organic farming systems.

Brand: K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH ESTA (3 products)

Functions: Fertilizer, Nutrient

Chemical Family: Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds, Sulfur-based Compounds

Application Technique: Sprayers, Sprinklers

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Product Highlights
  • Kieserite 26+53
  • 26 % MgO water-soluble magnesium oxide
  • 53 % SO3 water-soluble sulfur trioxide


Further Information

Magnesium – fully water-soluble

The efficiency of a magnesium fertilizer depends considerably on its chemical properties which relate directly to the products’ solubility.

ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is highly effective because of its great water solubility and hence immediate and complete plant availability.

Many soils are inherently magnesium deficient, particularly light textured and/or acid soils. Additionally, high calcium concentrations in the soil solution impede the magnesium availability on calcareous soils and soils with a high pH. Kieserite, especially under such conditions, guarantees an optimal magnesium supply to the plants through its pH independent solubility.


Significantly reduced atmospheric sulfur depositions and continued use of highly concentrated fertilizer with a low sulfur content has led in many regions to sulfur deficiency in crops. ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine can ameliorate this deficiency effectively. Additionally, an efficient sulfur supply to the plants improves the nitrogen use efficiency and therefore results in a more effective utilization of applied nutrients.

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Application Technique

ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is highly suitable for many uses in agriculture, horticulture, special crops, plantations and forestry. 

  • ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is suitable for amelioration of soils with poor magnesium status and is recommended to apply after harvest or prior to sowing.
  • ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine can be surface-applied and does not require incorporation, which could possibly affect root development particularly in plantation crops. The best application time for perennial crops is prior to the main growth period.
  • For annual crops, ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is applied as a basal dressing in autumn or late winter. On sandy soils and under high rainfall conditions, an application in early spring as a basal or top dressing is recommended. For maize, subsurface fertilization together with N- and P-fertilizers has proved to be effective.

To determine the required amount of ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine, the following factors have to be considered:

  • Magnesium and sulfur demand of the crop and crop rotation, respectively.
  • Magnesium and sulfur supply and dynamics in the soil (site conditions).

ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is applied to alleviate magnesium deficient sites as well as to maintain the regular magnesium and sulfur requirements of the specific crop. For perennial fruit trees or plantation crops it is recommended to base the Kieserite application rate on annually analyzed leaf tissue concentrations.

Fertilizer recommendations for various crops based on yield

crop yield (t ha-1) ESTA® Kieserit fine
(kg ha-1)
Banana 50 600 - 800
Cocoa 1 110 - 140
Coffee (cherries) 2 110 - 140
Grape 20 200-240
Maize 6 130-170
Oil palm (FFB) 30 400-500
Orange 50 200-240
Pineapple 50 520-590
Potato 40 170-200
Oilseed rape 3 110-170
Soybean 3 130-170
Sugarcane 100 300-330
Sugar beet 50 260-300
Tea 3 60-90
Tobacco (dry leaf) 3 100-150
Wheat 6 90 - 130

The nutrient calculator offers you additional information about crops and nutrient removals.

Suitability for organic farming

ESTA® Kieserit 26 fine is mined from natural salt deposits in Europe which were formed by the evaporation of seawater many millions of years ago.

Due to its natural origin and the minimal processing in our fertilizer factories, ESTA® Kieserit 26 fein is suitable for organic farming according to regulations (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008. ESTA® Kieserit 26 fein has also been certified by the Soil Association (UK) for use in organic farming systems.


Formulation Type