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Ilex Envirosciences Maniphos

Ilex Envirosciences Maniphos is a unique formulation of plant-available manganese in combination with phosphorus (present in both phosphite and phosphate forms), potassium and sulfur. It is designed to enhance and promote the healthy growth and development of crops.Maniphos is a zero-nitrogen formulation that can be applied to peas and field beans to prevent manganese and sulfur deficiencies, promoting hardiness and natural disease resistance to enhance quality and yield.

Functions: Fertilizer

Chemical Family: Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds, Phosphates, Sulfur-based Compounds

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Agrochemicals Features
Key Benefits

• Plant-available manganese for rapid uptake
• Key nutrients P and K to promote plant health and vigor
• Sulfur to aid growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen efficiency
• Phosphite action to increase rooting and nutrient mobility
• Optimizing quality and yield potential
• Suitable for zero-nitrogen cropping and closed period application

Mixing Advice

Maniphos is formulated as a totally water-soluble liquid for ease of use. Maniphos should be added to the spray tank first, into a minimum 50% total water volume followed by the remaining water and any other tank mix partners.

Maintain agitation throughout the mixing and spraying operations. Maniphos is physically compatible with a wide range of potential tank mix partners.

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
How it works

Manganese is the most commonly deficient trace element in UK soils affecting many crops including legumes, cereals, field vegetables and brassicas. It plays a vital role in many plant enzyme systems with deficiency impacting on health, growth, yield and quality.

Sulfur deficiencies now affect a wide range of crops in many different soil types. Being a key constituent of enzymes and amino acids involved in protein formation and photosynthesis, sulfur is an essential nutrient to build yield and quality.

Maniphos provides manganese and sulfur in combination with macro-nutrients potassium and phosphorus. The biostimulant action of the phosphite P in Maniphos optimizes their use by assisting in uptake and translocation within the plant.



Application Rates & Timings

PEAS/BEANS: Apply @ 1.25–2.5 l/ha from 4-6 true leaves. Repeat at 14-21 day intervals.

ALLIUMS: Apply @ 2.0-3.0 l/ha from 4-6 true leaves Repeat at 10-14 day intervals.

Maniphos is best applied at water rates between 100-300 l/ha.


Physical Form

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Pack Sizes

 10L and 1000L IBC