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HexTow® Chopped Fiber

HexTow® PAN based carbon fiber is available in 1/4 inch chopped fiber lengths, sized for compatibility with various resin matrix systems and processes. The chopped product is small, thin, rectangular flake, 1/4 inch long by 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide. The individual filaments are lightly held together by the sizing and will break apart during subsequent processing. The specially formulated sizing systems, in addition to improving bonding, produce a higher bulk density that aids in blending operations and in the flow through mechanical feed systems. Addition of chopped carbon fiber to molding compounds produces a material that exhibits high strength and modulus, excellent fatigue and creep resistance, low thermal expansion, electrical and thermal conductivity, excellent friction and wear resistance, and low shrinkage.

Brand: HexTow (24 products)

Reinforcement Material: Carbon Fibers

Reinforcement Form: Chopped Fiber

Features: Excellent Creep, Excellent Creep Resistance, High Strength, Thermal Insulating, Thermally Insulating

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Reinforcement Form
Reinforcement Material
Composite Materials Functions
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form

Regulatory & Compliance


This carbon fiber is manufactured to Hexcel industrial specification HS-CP-1000. A copy of this specification is available upon request. A Certification of Conformance will be provided with each shipment.

Packaging & Availability

Available Sizing

Chopped carbon fiber sized with other resins (to customer’s specifications) will be considered on special request. Contact our technical team for additional information.


Chopped carbon fiber is packaged in polyethylene bags and packed in boxes typically containing 40 pounds. Each box shipped is packaged to prevent handling and shipping damage. Box labeling includes: fiber type, Hexcel lot number, and net weight. Packaging shall meet the Uniform Freight Classification Ratings Rules and Regulations or other requirements, when applicable.