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HexTow® AS4A

HexTow® AS4A carbon fiber is a continuous, high strength, high strain, PAN based fiber available in 12,000 (12K) filament count tows. This fiber has been surface treated and can be sized to improve its interlaminar shear properties, handling characteristics, and structural properties, and is suggested for use in prepregging, filament winding, braiding, and pultrusion.

Brand: HexTow (24 products)

Reinforcement Material: Carbon Fibers

Reinforcement Form: Roving

Processing Methods: Filament Winding, Prepreg Processing, Pultrusion

Features: Ease of Handling, Easy Handling, High Strength

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Reinforcement Form
Reinforcement Material
Composite Materials Functions
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Tensile Modulus (Chord 6000-1000)231GPa-
Approximate Yield (12K)1.17m/g-
Tow Cross-Sectional Area (12K)0.48mm2-
Filament Diameter7.1microns-
Carbon Content94%-
TwistNever Twisted--
Ultimate Elongation at Failure1.7%-
Weight/Length (12K)0.858g/m-
Tensile Strength4412Mpa

Regulatory & Compliance

  • This carbon fiber is manufactured to Hexcel industrial specification HS-CP-3000. A copy of this specification is available upon request. A Certification of Conformance will be provided with each shipment.

Packaging & Availability

Available Sizing

Sizing compatible with various resin systems, based on application are available to improve handling characteristics and structural properties