Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Product Type
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Highlights
- Made from the latest developments in VOC compliant solvent-based acrylic chemistry, meeting the strictest national and state requirements.
- This product delivers excellent resistance to the formation of efflorescence.
- When used on newly placed concrete, the sealer will help protect against spalling, dusting, freeze-thaw damage and alkali degradation.
- The product remains hard even under extreme sunlight and delivers superior wear resistance.
- Its VOC compliant formula works great indoors and outdoors to provide a breathable barrier that allows moisture to escape from the coated surfaces.
- It is also effective as a joint sand stabilizer for interlocking pavers.
- Features
- max. 100g/l VOC Content
- Easily applied, fast drying, long lasting
- Interior and exterior use
- Inhibits efflorescence
- Gas, oil and grease resistant
- Water repellent
- Non-yellowing and UV resistant
- 80 - 85 % color densification
- Product Characteristics
- Low Sheen
- Satin
- Heavy Enhancement
- Repels Water
- Repels Grease and Oil
- Resists Stains
- Resists Efflorescence
- Resists Spalling
Applications & Uses
- Application Method
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Limitations
- Not recommended for pre-sealed surfaces or non-porous surfaces such as ceramic tile, marble, granite, porcelain and terrazzo.
- Do not use where hydrostatic pressure is possible.
- Use On
- Standard concrete
- Colored and stamped concrete
- Exposed aggregate concrete
- Natural stone
- Manufactured stone
- Interlocking pavers
- Porous brick
- Mexican tile
- Wet Cast concrete products
- Coverage
- Porous Surface: 50 - 200 sq.ft./gal
- Dense Concrete: 200 - 400 sq.ft./gal
- For exact coverage rates, a measured quantity to proper saturation over a known area will provide a square foot coverage rate for a specific job.
- Clean Up & Remove
- Clean Up: Lacquer thinner or xylene
- Remove: Chemical stripper
- Surface Preparation
- Before use on a job, thoroughly test this product on a small area to assure performance and appearance.
- Use only in well ventilated areas. Immediately remove pools or puddles were over application has occurred.
- Cleaning your hardscape project with a pressure washer and/or a surface cleaner is the first step in preparing for a successful project.
- It is strongly recommended to utilize a heated pressure washer to aid in the cleaning process.
- A heated pressure washer in conjunction with Pro Grade Cleaner will remove most organic stains, weeds, and old polymeric sand in considerably less time than it would take with a cold water unit.
- A heated pressure washer will also aid in the removal of residual sealer and decrease the labor when ‘stripping’ old sealer off.
- Stringent cleaners such as muriatic acid can be very harmful to your pavement, causing irreversible damage to the surface.
- Most colorants for concrete are made from iron oxide (FeO2) or better known as rust.
- Strong acids like muriatic acid will dissolve these pigments permanently changing the appearance and etching the surface.
- Allow product to dry thoroughly before applying a sealer.
- Application
- The product is applied with our Low Volume Pump Sprayer.
- Applying sealer on perimeter edges with a roller is acceptable to eliminate overspray on vegetation and surrounding structures.
- Using the GST Low Volume Pump Sprayer, add sealer up to the top of the GST Logo printed on the sprayer.
- Pump the sprayer approximately 30 times to pressurize the tank. Hold the spray wand 8”-10” from the surface and begin to apply the sealer using an overlapping circular motion to ensure an even application.
- To maintain a consistent even flow of sealer, it will be necessary to continually pump up the sprayer as the pressure in the tank decreases.
- The surface will appear ‘wet-damp’ for 8-10 seconds.
- If you over-apply the sealer and create puddles, it will be necessary to stop spraying and disperse additional sealer on the surface with a blower.
- Back-rolling solvent-based sealers may leave application lines on the surface.
- On segmental pavement systems, application of any sealer with a roller is not recommended as it will pull sand from the joint and will deposit it on the surface causing an undesirable result.
- One coat will seal, protect and enhance the beauty of the surface.
- If a second coat is necessary due to extreme porosity, apply as soon as the first coat is dry to the touch.
- GST sprayers are made with solvent resistant tips and seals, however do not let the sealer dry on the spray tip.
- If this occurs, soak the tip in lacquer thinner. Replacement tips are available.
- Do not apply the product during inclement weather or in direct sunlight when temperatures exceed 80ºF.
- Application to a damp surface or uncured concrete (28 day minimum) may cause a hazy appearance or loss of adhesion.
- Air and surface temperature should be between 50ºF and 80ºF for 24 hours following application.
- Use With
- Indoor applications
- Outdoor applications
- Porous Surfaces
- Dense Surfaces
- Concrete, Exposed Aggregate
- Pavers and Slabs
- Brick Masonry
- Natural Stone & Travertine
- Color
- Appearance
- Clear
- Odor
- Medium
- Typical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions VOC max. 100 g/l - Flash Point -4.0 °F - Weight Per Gallon 7.1 Ibs./gal - Package Viscosity (Zahn Cup #2) 19.0 seconds - Solids by Volume 20.0 % - Dry Time 10 - 30 minutes - Cure Time 24 - 48 hours - Rainproof 24.0 hours -
Regulatory & Compliance
- HMIS Ratings
H - 2; F - 3; R - 0; PP - H
- Compliance
- Meets or exceeds Federal EPA standards for VOC compliance.
- Meets or exceeds South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, for VOC compliance of less than 100g/l required by the State of California.
Technical Details & Test Data
- Water Penetration Test
- Drop a small amount of water on the sealed surface.
- If water penetration occurs or if water does not bead up on the surface, the application of additional sealer is required.
Safety & Health
- Safety
- Excessive inhalation of vapors can be harmful. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal.
- Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage.
If on Skin (or Hair):
- Wash with soap and water.
If Inhaled:
- Excessive inhalation of vapors can be harmful.
- Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
If in Eyes:
- Cause serious eye irritation.
- Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
- After initial flushing, remove any contact lenses and continue for at least 15 minutes.
If Ingested:
- May be harmful if swallowed.
- Do not induce vomiting, see a physician.
- Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
- Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames, and other ignition sources.
- No smoking. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.
- Use explosion-proof electrical ventilating/lighting equipment.
- Use only non-sparking tools. Take precautionary measures against static discharge.
- In case of fire, use the following extinguishing media: foam, CO2, water fog and/or dry chemicals.
- Do not breathe dust, fumes, gas, mist, vapor or spray. Wash thoroughly after handling.
- Use only outdoors or in well ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye-face protection.
- Wear an appropriate, properly fitted respirator (NIOSH/MSHA approved) during and after application unless air monitoring demonstrates vapor levels are below applicable limits.
- Follow respirator manufacturer’s directions for use.
- Store in a well ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Keep cool.
- Store locked up. Dispose of contents/container according to regional, national and international regulations.
Packaging & Availability
- Available in
- One gallon and five gallon sizes.
- 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes are also available upon request.
Storage & Handling
- Storage & Handling
- Storage Temperature: max.120° F.
- Shelf Life: Unlimited