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Naturex Green Coffee Bean PE 10-12% Caffeine NOC WS (DA241397)

Naturex Green Coffee Bean PE 10-12% Caffeine NOC WS (DA241397) is a powdered product with a typical sensory profile and colors ranging from light yellow to yellow. It is sourced from coffee robusta beans and is produced through an extraction and spray drying process, using ethanol (60%) and water (40%) as the extraction solvent. This product is certified as kosher parve and halal.

Brand: Naturex (607 products)

Ingredient Name: Green Coffee Beans Extract

Physical Form: Powder, Solid

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, Halal, Kosher, Naturally Derived, Non-GMO, Plant-Based

Certifications & Compliance: European Regulation 396/2005/EC, FDA 21 CFR 101.22, FDA 21 CFR 101.9, FDA Compliant, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), Halal, Kosher, SARA 311/312, The Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA), United States Pharmacopeia (USP)

Features: Spray Dried

Technical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications
Use Level
0.06 - 0.1 % (Water), 0.06 % (Carbonated Soft Drinks), 0.06 % (Flavoured Alcoholic Beverages), 0.06 % (Yoghurt Yoghurt Drinks)
Equivalence Statement

1 kg of product is made from an average of 8.0 kg of green coffee bean.


Physical Form
Light yellow to yellow powder
Parameters for Positive Release
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Gluten Contentmax. 10mg/kg-
Loss on Dryingmax. 8.0%I.R. balance (CQ-MO-018)
Particles (Passing through max. 40 Mesh)min. 100%Sieve (CQ-MO-023)
Caffeine10 -12%HPLC (CQ-MO-431)
5-Chlorogenic Acid12 - 17%HPLC (CQ-MO-431)
Total Chlorogenic Acidmin. 30.0-HPLC (CQ-MO-431)
Total Plate Countmax.5,000per gramISO 4833-1: 2013
Yeasts and Moldsmax. 300per gramISO 21527: 2008
Escherichia coliNegativeper gramISO 7251: 2005
SalmonellaNegative/375gISO 6579-1 2017
Ethanol Contentmax. 5,000.0mg/kgGC (CQ-MO-168)
Parameters not Routinely Tested
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Bulk Density0.35 - 0.55g/mlGraduated cylinder (CQ-MO-257)
Arsenic Contentmax. 3.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Cadmium Contentmax. 1.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Heavy Metalmax. 20.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Lead Contentmax. 3.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Mercury Contentmax. 0.10mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Natural Extract95 - 100%-
Native Extract Ratio (NER)5 - 9/1--
  • Micro Testing Principles: Limits guaranteed, selected microbiological parameters are monitored.
  • Heavy metals: Conform to regulatory requirements.

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
728 days
Storage Condition
  • Storage conditions: Dry, preferably full, hermetically sealed.
  • Temperature conditions: Ambient / 10-30°C (50-85°F).
  • Handling: Protect against light.