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Naturex AMERICAN GINSENG ROOT PE 5% GINSENOSIDES (EC841392) is a powdered product with a typical sensory profile. It ranges in color from tan to beige and is sourced from American ginseng roots. The extraction process uses ethanol (70–80%) and water (20–30%) as solvents. This product is certified as kosher parve and halal.

Brand: Naturex (466 products)

Ingredient Name: American Ginseng Roots Extract Powder

Active Component: Ginsenosides

Functions: Phytochemical, Supplement

Ingredient Origin: Plant Origin

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, BSE-free, Halal, Kosher, Non-GMO, Not Tested on Animals, TSE-free, Vegan

Certifications & Compliance: FFDCA, GMP, Halal, Kosher, The Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA), Vegan

Technical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Soluble In
Tan to beige powder
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Native Extract Ratio3 - 5/1--
Parameters for Positive Release
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Bulk Density0.40 - 0.70 g/mlGraduated cylinder (CQ-MO-257)
Loss on Dryingmax. 8%I.R. balance (CQ-MO-018)
Particles (Passing through max. 40 Mesh)min. 95 %Sieve (CQ-MO-023)
Ginsenoside (Rf)max. 0.04%HPLC (CQ-MO-208)
Total Ginsenosidesmin. 5.0 %HPLC (CQ-MO-208)
Total Plate Countmax. 10,000 per gramISO 4833-1: 2013
Yeasts and Mouldsmax. 100 per gramISO 21527: 2008
Ethanolmax. 5,000.0 mg/kgGC (CQ-MO-168)
Arsenic Contentmax. 3.00 mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Cadmium Contentmax. 1.00 mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Mercury Contentmax. 0.10mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Lead Contentmax. 3.00 mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Heavy Metalmax. 10.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)-not including Chromium
Parameters not Routinely Tested
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Coliformsmax. 10per gramISO 4832: 2006
Escherichia coliNegativeper gramISO 7251: 2005
SalmonellaNegativeper 25 gramISO 6579-1 2017
Bile-tolerant Gram-negative Bacteriamax. 100per gramISO 21528-2: 2017 without confirmation
Aflatoxine (B1)max. 5 μg/kg-
Conjoitly Aflatoxine (B1,B2,G1,G2)max. 10 μg/kg-
Benzo[a]pyrene max. 10 μg/kg-
PAH 4 max. 50μg/kg-
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Acacia Gum 45 - 70%-
Native Extract Ratio25 - 45%-
Corn Maltodextrin 10 - 15%-
Silicon Dioxide Content0.0 - 2%-
  • Micro Testing Principles: Limits guaranteed, selected microbiological parameters are monitored.
  • Heavy metals: Conform to regulatory requirements.

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
728 days
Storage Condition
  • Storage conditions: Dry, preferably full, hermetically sealed
  • Temperature conditions: Ambient / 10-30°C (50-85°F)
  • Handling: Protect against light.