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fluteck™ P2000

fluteck™ P2000 PTFE Premium Grade-USP Class VI is a high tech Virgin PTFE for Ram Extrusion, Compression and Isostatic molding, classified as medical grade according to the standard USP VI (50° C -122° F and 121° C – 250° F) and ISO 10993-1:2009.

Brand: fluteck (15 products)

Polymer Name: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Processing Methods: Compression Molding, Extrusion, Isostatic Molding, Ram Extrusion

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Materials Features
Product Properties
  • Very good mechanical properties 
  • Excellent chemical resistance.
  • Exceptional temperature resistance
  • Excellent electrical insulating properties
  • High limiting oxygen index 
  • UV resistance
  • Extremely non-adhesive 
  • Reduced friction & wear; Low friction behavior
  • Suitable for food contact
  • High degree of hydrophobicit

Applications & Uses

Plastics & Elastomers End Uses
Plastics & Elastomers Processing Methods
Typical Application

Fluteck™ P2000 PTFE Premium Grade offers useful properties in various applications such as chemical resistance, thermal stability, cryogenic properties, low coefficient of friction, low surface energy, low dielectric constant, high volume and surface resistivity, and flame resistance. These properties allow the application of Fluteck™ P2000 PTFE Premium Grade in several fields such as chemical, electrical and electronic, petrochemical, Aautomotive, mechanical, medical, aeronautics, semiconductor and food industry.


Physical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Specific Gravity 2.130 - 2.190g/cm³ASTM D792
Water Absorption 0.01%ASTM D570
Flamability V - 0-UL 94
Mechanical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Tensile Strength min. 25MPa ASTM D4894
Elongation min. 280%ASTM D4894
Hardnessmin. 54Shore DASTM D2240
Ball Hardnessmin. 23MPa ASTM D785
Compression Strength (1% Deformation)min. 4MPaASTM D695
Deformation Under Load (140 kg/cm², 24hrs, 23°C)10 - 13%ASTM D621
Permanent Deformation (min. 24 Hrs, Relaxation 23°C)6 - 7.5%ASTM D621
Coefficient of Static Friction0.08 - 0.10-ASTM D1894
Coefficient of Dynamic Friction0.06 - 0.08-ASTM D1894
Wear Factor2.9-ASTM D3702
Wear Coefficient20000 - 25000kgmh-
Thermal Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Thermal Conductivity0.34W/mKASTM C177
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (25°C - 100°C)12 - 1510⁵/°CASTM D696
Dielectric Strengthmin. 30kV/mmASTM D149
Volume Resistivity10¹⁸Ohm-cmASTM D257
Surface Resistivity10OhmASTM D257

Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance
Statement on suitability for contact with foodstuff

FDA Approved US Regulation

  • Code of Federal regulation 21 CFR Ch.1; section 177.1550 Perfluorocarbon Resins of the Food and Drug Administration/US. EU Regulation 
  • EU 1935/2004 - 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles to come in contact with food.

Technical Details & Test Data

Typical properties

Fluteck™P2000 is a PTFE Premium Grade preferred for parts and components requiring very good mechanical properties. Fluteck™ P2000 offers an excellent combination of properties typical of the fluoropolymer resins:

  • Service Temperature: Fluteck P2000 offers excellent resistance to continuous service temperatures - working conditions from -100°C up to 250°C and, for limited periods, even to higher temperatures; Product’s low temperature resistance allows satisfactory performance down to -200°C.
  • Chemical resistance : Fluteck™ P2000 offers high inertness towards nearly all known chemicals. Only attacked elemental alkali metals, chlorine trifluoride and elemental fluorine at high temperature and pressures might affect properties. 
  • Solvents resistance : Fluteck™ P2000 offers insoluble properties in all solvents up to temperatures as high as 300°C. Certain highly fluorinated oils only swell and dissolve PTFE at temperatures close to the crystalline melting point.

Storage & Handling

Storage & Handling

Fluteck™ P2000 PTFE Premium Grade can be stored for a long period of life and is exceptionally resistant to aging and weather conditions up to 10 years. Specific aging tests carried out on sample exposed to aging and atmospheric conditions, showed no changes in weight and volume. In case of semi-finished products, before processing or before the machining, it is advisable to store the material for 24 hours in the production area, preferable in a clean and dry place at a temperature of less than 25°C, preferably between 21-25°C. This is very important when room temperature is low; in such cases the material should be conditioned up to 72 hours in the production area in the recommended temperature range.