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LIGHTER™ S93 PET COPOLYMER is a polyester polymer modified to improve infrared reheating of preforms. LIGHTER S93 provides very good mechanical properties and a wide processing range on all injection molding machines. Moreover, preforms manufactured from LIGHTER S93 provide enhanced infrared heating rates, thus improving the operation of the stretch blow molding process, either increasing the maximum output or reducing the reheat energy. LIGHTER S93 is suitable for the production of bottles for both mineral water and carbonated soft drinks.

Brand: LIGHTER (5 products)

Polymer Name: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Processing Methods: Injection Molding, Stretch Blow Molding

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Materials Features

Polyethylene terephthalate resins can be recycled. Production rejects, and/or conversion waste should be recycled if possible.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Acetaldehydemax. 1ppm1/MA/1/004
Moisture Contentmax 0.4%1/MA/1/005
Bulk Density880kg/m31/MA/1/008
Color, Coordinate bmax. 1.5-1/MA/1/003
Crystallinitymin. 50%1/MA/1/018
Fine Particles Contentmax. 500ppm1/MA/1/001
Glass Transition Temperature78°C1/MA/1/007
Intrinsic Viscosity0.80 ± 0.02dl/g1/MA/1/002
Melting Point (Peak)247°C1/MA/1/007
Weight of 100 Granules1.5g1/MA/1/015

Regulatory & Compliance

Regulatory & Compliance

LIGHTER S93, when used unmodified and processed under good manufacturing practices, should allow packaging article production in compliance with the laws and regulations for articles in contact with foodstuffs in force in the European Union and in the United States of America. Please contact your nearest Equipolymers office regarding food contact compliance statements. The purchaser remains responsible for determining whether the use complies with all relevant regulations.

Safety & Health

Safety Considerations

Material Safety Data Sheets for polyethylene terephthalate resins are available from the Customer Service offices to help customers further satisfy their own safe handling and disposal needs. Such information should be requested from the supplier(s) of any product(s) prior to working with it. The comments that follow are pertinent only to the resins discussed, as supplied. The various additives and processing aids used in fabrication will have their own safe-use profile and must be investigated separately.

Safety & Health

Polyethylene terephthalate resins are among the most inert commercial polymers and constitute no hazard in normal handling from skin contact or ingestion. For “Regulated” uses, such as food contact, your sales representative can obtain compliance letters for specific resins. Normal goodhousekeeping practice should be followed. Workers should be protected from possibility of skin or eye contact with molten polymer. Safety glasses are suggested as a minimal precaution to prevent possible mechanical or thermal injury to the eyes. Fabrication areas should be ventilated to carry away fumes or vapors: workers should be assured of a supply of fresh air. Workplace environments should be kept clean and free of dust. Ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are met.


Polyethylene terephthalate resins will burn when supplied with adequate amounts of heat and oxygen. They should be handled and stored away from contact with direct flames and/or other ignition sources. In burning, polyethylene terephthalate resins contribute high heat and may generate a dense black smoke. Fires can be extinguished by conventional means. In enclosed areas, fire fighters should be provided with self-contained breathing apparatus.

Storage & Handling


When disposing of any wastes, be certain all applicable laws and regulations are met. If these regulations are met, the following is applicable for the polyethylene terephthalate resins as supplied. Polyethylene terephthalate resins can be disposed of either by incineration (preferred) or landfill. With properly controlled industrial, commercial or municipal incineration, particulate or gaseous discharge into the air can be maintained within allowable levels. Thermoplastic resins, such as polyethylene terephthalate resins, have high heat values and should be incinerated only in units designed to handle high heats of combustion. In landfill, polyethylene terephthalate resins are inert, do not degrade, form a strong and permanent soil base, and emit no gasses or leachates known to pollute water resources.