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Poly Top Seal CS-2O PLUS

Poly Top Seal CS-20 PLUS is a water-based, non flammable polysiloxane sealer. It is specifically engineered for the treatment of vertical or horizontal concrete substrate for the purpose of providing waterproofing and repellency capability. Poly Top Seal CS-2O PLUS provides superior long-term performance and protection against physical and structural defamation or deterioration due to the effects of humidity and or contact with moisture or exposure to the elements. In addition it is also resistant to acids and highly alkaline compounds. CS-20 PLUS is designed for use on smooth concrete that is younger than 25 years of age and/or interior applications.

Brand: Poly Top Seal (3 products)

Product Type: Sealer

Application Area: Bridges, Stucco, Terrazzo

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Concrete

Features: Acid Resistant, Alkali Resistant, Corrosion Resistant, Durable, Long Term Protection, Low VOC, Low Water Absorption, Mildew Resistant, Non-Toxic, UV Resistant

Application Method: Spray

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Primary Benefits
  • The natural look and feel of the substrate is not perceptibly altered.
  • Non toxic / non-hazardous.
  • Semi - Homogeneous solution (requires slight agitation prior to application).
  • Poly Masonry Sealer is a penetrating treatment and may temporarily darken the substrate on which it is applied.
  • Light citrus odor.
  • Prevents the water absorption/retention required for the growth of fungi or algae and reduces the adhesion of dirt and organic pollutants.
  • Reduces or eliminates efflorescence.
  • Does not restrict the natural breathing ability of the treated matter.
  • U.V. (Ultraviolet) resistant / extends product life.
  • Very low VOC content: ~ 0.10 lb. per gallon.
  • Product performance does not deteriorate at temperatures between –0°F and +470°F.

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces

CS-20 PLUS utilizes unique polysiloxanes coupled with proprietary technologies to provide high performance products that are environmentally safe. This degree of protection is facilitated by increased levels of penetration into the substrate matter. During the curing stage the formula attaches itself to the substrate particles by electrochemical means and acts as a semi permeable membrane which impedes water vapor or liquid from spreading, wetting and absorption through capillary channeling. The resulting semi permeable membrane does not restrict the treated matter from breathing. CS-2O PLUS will significantly reduce or eliminate efflorescence due to its principle function.

Method of Application

Poly Top Sealer CS20 Plus can be applied by means of spraying with a conventional, airless (60 psi or below), or Hudson pump up type sprayer. Make sure the masonry, brick and clay substrate to be treated is dry (15% moisture content maximum). Agitate the sealer as indicated on the label; utilize as is. Do not dilute or otherwise alter the material.


Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Breathability97.8%ASTM D1653
Coverage (Pavers)350.0square feet per gallon-
Coverage (Poured in Place)400 - 450square feet per gallon-
Coverage (Precast)400.0square feet per gallon-
Coverage (Split-face)300.0square feet per gallon-
Flash Pointmin. 212°F-
NCHRP 244 Chloride Absorption97.4%-
Penetration0.25 - 1.0in-
Simulated Wind Driven Rain (FS TTP 0035)Pass--
U.V. Resistance (QUV 7500 Hrs)Pass--
VOC Contentmax. 0.19lbs./gal-
Water Leakagemax. 99.2%ASTM E514

Packaging & Availability


Available in five (5) gallon pails and fifty five (55) gallon drums.

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life

This product has a 45 day shelf life without the catalyst mixed. Once the catalyst has been added to the 5 gallon container, the shelf life is 15 days.


Storage should be maintained between 32ºF and 100ºF and out of direct sunlight.