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Divi's Nutraceuticals Company Logo


Divi's Nutraceuticals Brand

CaroNat is a naturally sourced food ingredient made of carrot juice concentrate. It inherently contains Beta-Carotene and is used for dark yellow to orange coloration of a variety of foods and beverages. Divi’s innovative production process provides the stabilization of this natural ingredient in a silicon-dioxide free powder form for easy handling and excellent stability in applications.
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Knowde Brand Highlights

CaroNat Highlights
  • CaroNat is available throughout the year thanks to a production process which overcomes seasonal variations.
  • Fresh carrots are harvested and immediately processed to stable carrot juice concentrate. At a later stage, the concentrate is transformed into CaroNat fine powder.
  • The composition of CaroNat, based only on natural, plant-based ingredients, allows claims such as no artificial color/ingredient, vegetarian, vegan.