Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Product Highlights
CLiQFLOW 680 is recommended as co-thickener in modern,environmentally friendly high value decorative latex paintsto reduce spattering of the paint during roll application and to improve leveling behavior, glossdevelopment, hiding power and brush drag.
CLiQFLOW 680 is recommendedas single thickener in water borne alkyd emulsions to achieve an “alkyd-like” flow behavior in gloss or high gloss systems.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Method
- Coating Type
- Level of Use
CLIQFLOW 680 can be added at any production stage. Pre-dilution of the thickener is not required.
The optimum loading level should be determined for each system using a loading ladder study. A levelbetween 0.3 –2.0 %on total is typically required to achieve the required properties.A higher loading level might be required in alkyd emulsions to achieve the required high shear viscosity.
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- White Opaque Liquid
- Typical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Density 1.03 g/cm³ Active Content approx. 20 % - Brookfield Viscosity approx. 4000 mPa.s
Storage & Handling
- Storage
CLiQFLOW 680 should be stored in a cool dry place above 5°C.