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Cherry Central Organic Montmorency Red Tart Cherry Puree Single Strength - Frozen (FP07-141)

Cherry Central Organic Montmorency Red Tart Cherry Puree Single Strength - Frozen (FP07-141) is a smooth, semi-solid product prepared from clean, sound fruits that are adequately ripened and free from lumps, stems, pits, leaves, or foreign material. The final product is frozen at 0°F or less.

Ingredient Name: Frozen Montmorency Red Tart Cherry Puree

Physical Form: Puree, Semi-solid

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, Gluten-free, Kosher, Organic

Certifications & Compliance: FDA Compliant, GFSI Certified, GMP, Kosher, Prop 65 Compliant, USDA Organic

Features: Cardiovascular Protection, Enhanced Shelf Life, Free Of Strange Flavors, Regulates Blood Pressure, Rich in Minerals, Rich in Vitamins, Smooth Texture

Sugar Content: 7.93 - 7.93 %

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Normal flavor, free of off flavors
Normal odor, free of off odors
Analytical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
pH3.2 - 3.7--
Brix12.0 - 15.0°-
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
TPCmax. 100cfu/g-
Escherichia colimax. 3per gram-
ListeriaNegativeper 125g-
SalmonellaNegativeper 375g-
Yeast100.0per gram-
Mold Count100.0per gram-
Nutritional Information
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Calories from Fat0.0Kcal/100g-
Total Dietary Fiber1.15g/100g-
Total Sugars7.93g/100g-
Added Sugars0.0g/100g-
Trans Fat0.0g/100g-
Cholesterol0.0per 100g-
Mineral Profile
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Typical Vitamin Profile
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Vitamin A - RAE329.3mcg/100g-
Vitamin C0.0mg/100g-
Vitamin D0.0mcg/100g-
Physical Requirements

Defects: None

Pits: None

Particle Size: Processed thru specific screen size to customer specification.

Screen Sizes:

  • 0.033”
  • 0.045”
  • 0.1875”

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
  • Plastic Pails: 28 lb.
  • Vacuum Packed Cartons: 40 lb.
  • Pallets: 29.8 or 41.7

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
3 Years
Storage Condition

Store under optimum frozen conditions. Store at 0°F or lower.