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Botanic Innovations Red Raspberry Seed Powder

Red Raspberry Powder is a partially defatted fortified powder that has exceptional antioxidant properties, primarily from polyphenol ellagic tannins. The remaining fat includes vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols and omega-3 fatty acids. Red Raspberry Powder also consists of calcium, up to 75% fiber (3.5% soluble), and ~10% protein. Red Raspberry Powder is well suited for functional foods, supplements, personal care products, and animal nutrition.

INCI Name: Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Seed Powder

Ingredient Name: Red Raspberry Seed Powder

Functions: Antioxidant, Dietary Supplement, Preservative, Supplement, Whole Food Ingredient

Active Component: Ellagitannins

Ingredient Origin: Natural Origin, Plant Origin

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Benefit Claims
Benefit Claims (Health)
Labeling Claims
Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
Food Ingredients Features
Product Benefits

Red Raspberry Seed Powder’s natural phenol antioxidant, ellagic acid, has been shown to support a healthy immune system, making it ideal for functional foods, supplements, and animal nutrition products intended to provide antioxidant benefits.

The antioxidant properties in Red Raspberry Powder help give it preservation qualities that can reduce rancidity in products, making Red Raspberry Powder a natural preservative.

Botanic Innovations’ gentle NatureFRESH Cold Press™ yields de-fatted seed powders boasting diverse and dense nutrients.

Product Attributes

Non GMO: The oils and powders produced at Botanic Innovations’ are from non-GMO fruit, herb, and vegetable seeds based on our quality assurance practices.

100% Plant Based: All of our ingredients are derived from herb, vegetable, and fruit seeds.

100% Natural: All of our products do not contain artificial ingredients or preservatives and the ingredients are only minimally processed.

Allergen-Free: All of our products are free of animal fats & oils and contain no nuts (including oil & derivatives).

Vegan: The oils and powders produced at Botanic Innovations do not contain, nor come in contact with, animal products and are qualified as vegan.

Kosher-Certified: All of our products are certified annually by EarthKosher.

Made in USA: All of our products are produced and packaged in the U.S.A.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Light to dark reddish-brown powder
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Bulk Density0.441g/mL-
Tapped Density0.603g/mL-
Vitamin B0.43--
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Aerobic Plate Countmax. 10,000cfu/g-
E. ColiNot detected--
SalmonellaNot detected--
Yeast & Moldmax. 1,000cfu/g-
Nutritional Information
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Calories from Fat48calories/100g-
Omega 30.006%-
Omega 62.718%-
Saturated Fat0.3%-
Total Beta Carotene0IU/100g-
Total Calories401calories/100g-
Total Dietary Fiber71.2%-
Total Fat0.01%-
Total Fat5.38%-
Total Sugar2.22%-
Vitamin C0mg/100g-
Mesh Range (+/-1%)
40 9.20%
60 51.20%
80 34.40%
100 2.00%


Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance
Chemical Inventories
Regulatory & Compliance


This product is a pure food, processed using our NatureFresh-Cold Press™ Technology. As a pure food, this product is considered a natural food product and is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and not required to have GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status.

Food Grade

Botanic Innovations, LLC produces their products in a food grade facility subject to inspection by the FDA and the WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Food Safety. We follow GMPs in the manufacture, holding, and distributions of this product. This product is produced without the use of any excipients or processing aides, rendering it a non- chemically altered version of its seed base. This allows us to declare that the product has been in the food supply since before October 15, 1994, and therefore not a “New Dietary Ingredient”. This product is safe for human consumption based on the aforementioned conditions.

CMR Substance

 We certify to the best of our knowledge this product does not contain any EU ECHA SVHCs (substances of very high concern: in accordance with Article 59(10) of the REACH Regulation) or any substances classified as CMRs (Carcinogens, Mutagens, and/or Reprotoxic substances) as outlined in the EU Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.


All bulk agricultural ingredients produced and sold by Botanic Innovations LLC are free from Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). The transportation, storage, and manufacturing processes of Botanic Innovations LLC do not allow these ingredients to come in contact with animal products or materials of animal origin of any kind.


Botanic Innovations is a food allergen-free facility. A full allergen statement is available upon request.


This product is GMO free.


This product has been manufactured without the use of any kind of Nanotechnology and does not contain ingredients resulting therefrom.

Irradiation & Sewer Sludge

This product has not been subjected to irradiation or radioactivity, nor treated with sewage sludge.


This product is expected to be devoid of the materials in the Californian Safe Program Proposition 65.

Responsible Sourcing Statement

This product is produced under safe conditions in compliance with social and environmental rules by authorized suppliers using voluntary labor.


This product is Kosher Certified.


This product is Halal compliant.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

This product is packaged in 1 lb poly-lined kraft bags and 20 lb poly-lined cardboard boxes.

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 years

For best shelf-life preservation, keep product sealed and store in a dry, cool place, preferably room temperature (75°) or cooler, and away from light.

Shelf Life: When kept under optimal storage conditions and in the original containers, the shelf life of this material is expected to be 2 years.