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BetaStab® XL

BetaStab® XL controls problematic Gram positive bacteria found in sugar extraction. It is an all-natural, environmentally-friendly hop extractive.

Brand: BetaStab (1 products)

Ingredient Name: Hops Extract

Functions: Anti-Microbial Agent

Labeling Claims: Environmentally Friendly, Natural, Non-Corrosive, Plant-Based

Physical Form: Liquid

Features: Anti-Bacterial, Antimicrobial, Broad pH Stability, Cost Effective, Temperature Stability

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Ingredient Name
Food Ingredients Functions
Hops Extract
Product Families

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Food Ingredients Features
Key Advantages of BetaStab® XL
  • Active against bacterial contamination at ppm levels that immediately stops bacterial growth - Microbial sugar losses are a major problem in sugar production resulting in lower yields, increased processing problems and higher impurities such as lactic acid and dextran. The hop product BetaStab® XL is a natural food processing aid. For more than 10 years it has proven effective at controlling bacteria in factories worldwide and is a cost effective alternative to synthetic biocides
  • Control of lactic acid, dextran and nitrite production
  • Effective over a range of pH values and temperatures
  • Demonstrated activity in sugar cane mills and sugar beet factories worldwide
  • Cost effective alternative to synthetic biocides
  • Can be used in thick juice storage, prolonging storage times
  • Products are water based for ease of dosing
  • Safe to handle and non-corrosive to equipment
  • Coproducts suitable for animal feed
  • Residues are beneficial for yeast and ethanol fermentation processes

Applications & Uses


Our product can be applied during the production of sugar from either beet or cane. It is an aqueous solution of natural hop acids and is active over a wide range of temperatures and pH values.


Physical Form

Regulatory & Compliance

Technical Details & Test Data

Inhibitory Concentration of Beta Acids Against Various Bacteria

Lab measured minimum inhibitory concentration of beta acids against various bacteria

BetaStab® XL - Inhibitory Concentration of Beta Acids Against Various Bacteria

Comparison of Biocides against Bacillus stereothermophilus

BetaStab® XL - Comparison of Biocides Against Bacillus Stereothermophilus

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type