Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- Flavor Ingredient Class
- Ingredient Name
- Food Ingredients Functions
- Ingredients
- Hop Pellets
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Characteristics
The BBC Pure Hop Pellet™ is a hop product added to the kettle, to the Whirlpool or for dry hopping to provide hop flavor. It is specifically designed for high efficiency and heavy-use applications in both conventional and dryhopping applications. Developed in collaboration with Boston Beer Company, the BBC Pure Hop Pellet™ increases the yield of hop volatiles, resulting in higher aroma and flavor. It provides improved homogeneity and better storage stability compared to raw hops. The proprietary pure hop process removes extraneous material, resulting intrue hop flavor. The BBC Pure Hop Pellet™ is produced using a finer, more uniform grind than standard Type 90 pellets. A sub-zero process – milling and sieving takes place at approx. -35°C (-31 °F) – prevents hop resins and essential oils from oxidation. Supported by a long history of safe use in brewing, and in accordance with US FDA
regulation 21 CFR 170.30(c) and 170.3(f), hop pellets are generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Food & Nutrition Applications
- Product Use
For efficient provision of bitterness, the pellets should be added to the wort at the beginning or up to 15 minutesafter the start of the boil. Utilization of α-acids into beer depends on the boiling system and conditions and is normally in the range of 30% - 35%. Added late into the boil, utilization of α-acids diminishes as the utilization of the aroma improves giving a characteristic hop flavor in the beer. The quantity to be added is calculated using the α-acids content and the estimated utilization. For aroma, the quantity to be added should preferably be calculated using the oil content of the product. Pellets can be dosed automatically.
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Quality And Food Safety
Barth-Haas maintains quality management systems registered to the ISO 9001 standard, as well as food safetymanagement programs based on internationally recognized (HACCP) principles. Please refer to our web site (www.barthhaas.com) for more information on our systems and programs.
Technical Details & Test Data
- Analytical Methods
The determination of α-acids comprises three types of methods, the specific measurement of α-acids by means of HPLC, spectrophotometric, or conductometric methods:
α-acids can be measured by any of the following methods:- EBC method 7.5 - (α-acids as lead conductometric value (LCV))
- ASBC Spectrophotometric method (Hops-6) - (α and α-acids)
- By HPLC, using the current ICE standard, according to the EBC 7.7 method, or the ASBC method (Hops-14) - (α and α-acids)
Hop oil concentration can be measured by:
- EBC 7.10
- ASBC Hops-13
Safety & Health
- Safety
If dust is generated, it is advisable to use a dust mask. Hop pellets are a combustible material. For further information please download the relevant Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging
Pellets are packed in laminated foils with an aluminum layer as a barrier against diffusion of oxygen. They are sealed under inert gas or vacuum packed. The foil material used meets all food industry packaging regulations. The residual oxygen content in the foil packs is less than 2% by volume. Pack sizes are available from 2.5 kg to 140 kg.
Storage & Handling
- Storage And Shelf Life
The BBC Pure Hop Pellet™ should be stored cold at 0 - 5°C (32 – 41 °F) and is best used within 3 years after processing. If stored at –20 °C (-4 °F) it should be used within 5 years. Foils, once opened, should be used within a few days to avoid deterioration of bitter acids and essential oils.
Hop Product
Storage at up to 30°C
Cold Storage at 3 °C
Cones (3 months storage
22 %
5 %
Pellets (1 year storage)
12 %
3-6 %
Table 1: α-Acid losses in % relative during different storage conditions [1]
Shipping Temperature
Alpha Losses
Up to 25°C
3-6 %
Up to30°C
5-8 %
Up to35 °C
6-10 %
> 35°C
Up to 15 %
Table 2: Alpha-acid losses during overseas transportation in % relative [2]