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+Prod Eco

Prod Eco is a biostimulant made out of natural organic compounds, trace elements and metabolic fuels that favor the generation and transport of photoassimilates needed for production. It is recommended to apply +PROD from the start and on a regular basis to increase production and improve crop quality (earliness, uniform size and color, greater postharvest life).

Brand: +Prod (1 products)

Functions: Fertilizer

Chemical Family: Copper Salts, Copper-based Compounds, Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds, Zinc & Zinc Compounds

Application Technique: Chemigation, Sprinklers

Labeling Claims: Organic

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Application Technique

+PROD is recommended for all kinds of crops:

  • Fruit trees (pip and pit fruits)
  • Citrus
  • Horticulturals
  • Cereals
  • Ornamental crops.

Also for plantations and nurseries. It is convenient to applicate it at the beginning of the ripening of the fruits and on cut flower it should be applicated by fertirrigation, not by foliar application

Application and Dosage

Because of its totally assimilable formula, +PROD can be applied by foliar or root feeding using any kind of irrigation system. It can be used along with phytosanitary products. Avoid its use during high insolation hours.

General application dosages:

  • Foliar: 250-500cc/100 liters of water.
  • Root: 5 L/Hectare and applied until completion 15- 25 L/Hectare and cycle of crop.
CROPS Root application Foliar application NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/ FREQUENCY
fruit vegetables 2,5 L/Ha and application 200-250 cc /100L and application 1st application after setting. Repeat every 10-15 days.
Leaf vegetables 2,5 L/Ha and application 200-300 cc /100L and application From transplant. Repeat every 10-15 days.
Citrus and subtropical crops 5 L/Ha and application 250-500 cc /100L and application 2 – 3 applications. Sprouting, preflowering and ripening.
Fruit trees, olive trees & vines 5 L/Ha and application 250-500 cc /100L and application 2 – 3 applications. Sprouting, preflowering and ripening.
Flowers 2-3 L/Ha and application 250-500 cc /100L and application From transplant. Repeat every 10-15 days.
Hydroponics 1-2 L/Ha and application 100-200 cc /100L and application 1st application after setting. Repeat every 10-15 days.



Formulation Type

Technical Details & Test Data

Guaranteed Concentrations
  • Copper (Cu) 1.80% w/w = 2.25% w/v
  • Manganese (Mn) 0.80% w/w = 1.0% w/v
  • Zinc (Zn) 0.60% w/w = 0.75% w/v
  • Soluble Liquid (L.S.)

Certified fertilizer for its use in organic farming according to ECR 834/2007 standards (EU) and NOP (USA)


+PROD is compatible with most of the available fertilizers and phytosanitary products, even though it is advisable to perform a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type