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SweetPearl® maltitol powder is a versatile polyol, a tooth friendly sugar substitute. It is a sugar alcohol similar to Xylitol and Sorbitol.



+ Lower glycemic index than sugar

+ Does not cause tooth decay

+ Fewer calories than sugar gram for gram

+ Safe sugar substitute


Maltitol is a substitute for Sucrose and is derived from corn.


Commonly used as a sweetener in:

+ Desserts

+ Gum

+ Mouthwash

+ Vitamins and other potentially bitter foods and supplements

+ Dairy

+ Diabetic products

+ Other candy, confections and sweetened foods

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SweetPearl® is a naturally sweet tasting maltitol sweetener. Without added sugar, this sugar substitute contributes to taste and well-being!

SweetPearl®, the maltitol by Roquette, is a bulk sweetener produced from naturally occurring compounds in wheat and corn, both renewable sources. It is naturally sweet and provides the foundation for product innovation, intensifies flavor and improves nutritional value all without major change in recipes or manufacturing processes.

Used in a variety of baking, confectionary, sports nutrition and weight management, senior and clinical nutrition, and nutraceutical applications, Roquette sells this sugar-free range of healthy carbohydrates under the SweetPearl® brand. It provides a variety of functional properties including oral health, blood glucose management, sweetness and calorie reduction.

Dental plaque, a sticky bacterial film that develops on dental enamel, reoccurs after every meal. Those microorganisms feed on sugar fermentation, produced by destructive acids attacking tooth enamel. SweetPearl® maltitol powder does not produce acids or cause tooth decay as they are not metabolized by the oral bacteria.

European regulation recognizes the nutritional benefits of polyols (Maintenance of Tooth Mineralization, Toothfriendly generic EU claims).