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Lemberona Handels Wild organic Fairtrade mountain almonds

Lemberona Handels Wild organic Fairtrade mountain almonds come from distant forests where hardly anyone goes astray. This peace and seclusion allows the almonds to mature in peace and develop their full potential. You can taste this difference, because wild almonds taste more intense and also a little bit like wild nature. It is generally assumed that wild almonds have a better composition of nutrients and vital substances than normal, ripened almonds. Above all, however, they come very close to the original quality of the almonds.

Ingredient Name: Almonds

Labeling Claims: Organic, Vegan

Certifications & Compliance: Organic Certified, USDA Organic

Features: Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant Properties, Free Radical Scavenging, High Quality, Reduction in Cholesterol, Rich in Minerals, Rich in Vitamins

    Knowde Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Ingredient Name
    Ingredient Origin

    We source our organic Fairtrade almonds exclusively from Uzbekistan. Only from there can we be sure that the quality meets our high standards.

    The almonds ripen on remote trees in the mountainous regions around Samarkand. The area is largely organic and Fairtrade certified. The approximately 1,000 farmers who farm the area at harvest time belong to one of three major Fairtrade groups, Dustkul Bogi, Turkiston Gulba or Turob Bobo. Thanks to the cooperation with Fairtrade, the farmers can offer their families a secure income and their children a new perspective.


    Arriving in Austria, the almonds are pressure treated and laser cleaned. When it comes to printing, the interaction of pressure and time ensures absolute freedom from pests. During the subsequent multiple cleaning in the laser cleaning system, the almonds are checked individually to rule out any foreign contamination.

    Organic Ingredient

    Almonds dried - FAIRTRADE certified and grown by Fairtrade producers. Total Fairtrade percentage: 100%.

    Features & Benefits

    Labeling Claims

    Our wild organic Fairtrade mountain almonds are:

    • Very Close To Nature
    • Very High Quality
    • Very Antioxidant
    • Even More Aromatic
    • In Raw Food And Fair Trade Quality
    • Sun/Solar Dried
    • Laser Cleaned And Specially Selected
    • Checked Several Times

    The germination of nuts:

    • Inhibits and reduces phytic acids

    Phytic acid occurs naturally in foods and inhibits the absorption of minerals in our body. A reduction in phytic acid therefore has the advantage that the minerals contained can be absorbed and are therefore available to us.

    • Inhibits and reduces tannins

    Tannins are tannins that the plant uses for its own protection. If too many tannins are ingested with food, flatulence (digestion problems) can occur and, above all, reduced absorption of iron and calcium (or minerals).

    • Neutralizes enzyme inhibitors

    Our body requires certain reactions to function properly, and these reactions in turn require certain enzymes. If these enzymes are inhibited, our body cannot work optimally. It is therefore important to reduce this inhibition to a minimum.

    • Promotes the production of useful enzymes and
    • Increases the amount of vitamins, especially the B vitamins

    In the germination process, a new flowering of the plant is set in motion. Many important vital substances such as vitamins and enzymes are activated and mobilized. Therefore, sprouted nuts are a lot more valuable than ungrouted nuts.

    Applications & Uses

    Vital Substances

    Regular consumption of almonds can definitely have a positive effect on health, because almonds have been shown to lower the cholesterol level in the blood due to their polyunsaturated fatty acids, stabilize/lower blood pressure and inhibit inflammatory reactions.

    Almonds are also characterized by a high content of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It protects our body from harmful oxidation, free radicals and stabilizes cell membranes. Almonds also help provide the body with calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.

    Almonds are therefore ideal for a balanced, healthy diet.

    Almonds contain a very high antioxidant capacity of 4454 µmol TE (ORAC value = Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity).

    By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, the defense mechanism in the body can be strengthened and an overproduction of free radicals can be balanced out. An ORAC daily requirement between 5000 and 7000 is recommended.


    After careful harvesting, the almonds are cored and the actual core is then gently dried with the help of the sun. The drying process used is a very environmentally friendly solar drying method that is extremely gentle on the product.


    If you can get into the habit of putting your nuts in lukewarm water the night before and letting them sit overnight, you'll have very good pre-sprouted nuts the next morning. If you have sprouted more nuts than you need in the morning, we recommend storing them in the refrigerator without the water, or for a longer period of time, it is advisable to dry the nuts on a dry surface or in the oven.

    General: Depending on the food, the germination time is 7 to 24 hours.

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Certifications & Compliance